
Lesson 137 A pleasant dream 美好的夢

Listen to the tape then answer this question. What would Julie like to do, if she had the money? 聽錄音,然後回答問題。如果朱莉有那筆錢,她想做什麼呢?




JULIE: Are you doing the football pools, Brain?
BRIAN: Yes, I've nearly finished, Julie. I'm sure we'll win something this week.
JULIE: You always say that, but we never win anything! What will you do if you win a lot of money?
BRIAN: If I win a lot of money I'll buy you a mink coat.
JULIE: I don't want a mink coat! I want to see the world.
BRIAN: All right. If we win a lot of money We'll travel round the world and we'll stay at the best hotels. Then we'll return home and buy a big house in the country. We'll have a beautiful garden and …
JULIE: But if we spend all that money we'll be poor again. What'll we do then?
BRIAN: If we spend all the money we'll try and win the football pools again.
JULIE: It's a pleasant dream but everything depends on 'if'!


JULIE: Are you doing the football pools, Brain?

朱 莉:布賴恩,你正在下足球賽的賭注嗎?

BRIAN: Yes, I've nearly finished, Julie. I'm sure we'll win something this week.

布賴恩:是的。我這就做完了。朱莉。 我敢肯定這星期我們會贏一點的。

JULIE: You always say that, but we never win anything! What will you do if you win a lot of money?

朱 莉:你老是那樣說,但是我們從來沒 贏過!要是你贏了許多錢,你打算 做什麼呢?

BRIAN: If I win a lot of money I'll buy you a mink coat.

布賴恩:要是我贏了許多錢,我給你買件 貂皮大衣。

JULIE: I don't want a mink coat! I want to see the world.

朱 莉:我不要貂皮大衣。我要去見風世面。

BRIAN: All right. If we win a lot of money We'll travel round the world and we'll stay at the best hotels. Then we'll return home and buy a big house in the country. We'll have a beautiful garden and …

布賴恩:好吧。要是我們贏了很多錢,我們 就去周遊世界,並且往最好的旅館。 然後我們返回家園,在鄉下買幢大 房子。我們將有一個漂亮的花園和 ……

JULIE: But if we spend all that money we'll be poor again. What'll we do then?

朱 莉:但是如果我們把所有錢都花光了, 我們又會變窮的。那時我們怎麼 辦呢?

BRIAN: If we spend all the money we'll try and win the football pools again.

布賴恩:如果我們花光了所有錢,我們設法 在足球賽賭注上再贏一次。

JULIE: It's a pleasant dream but everything depends on 'if'!

朱 莉:這是個美好的夢,但一切都取決於 “如果”!

【New Word and expressions 生詞和短語】
football n. 足球
pool n. 賭注
win (won, won) v. 贏
world n. 世界
poor adj. 貧窮的
depend v. 依靠(on)

football pools 英國流行的一種賭博方式,靠在足球比賽的結果上的賭注來決定輸贏。