
4月23日是世界讀書日(World Book Day),其設立目的是推動更多的人去閱讀和寫作。讀書不僅可以增長見識,開闊視野,還可以充實我們的思想,豐富我們的感情。




博覽群書have read many books;be well-read

例句:tā hěn cōng míng,bó lǎn qún shū,bìng qiě duì yì shù hěn gǎn xìng qù他很聰明,博覽群書,並且對藝術很感興趣。He was clever, well-read and interested in the arts.

書聲朗朗the sound of reading aloud

書香門第a family of scholar(s); a literary family

例句:tā chū shēn yú shū xiāng mén dì他出身於書香門第。He comes from a literary family.

知書達理highly cultured and steeped in propriety


腹有詩書氣自華One who is filled with knowledge always behaves with elegance.

讀書破萬卷,下筆如有神。Having pored over ten thousand volumes, one can write with godly power.(Ample reading produces fluent writing.)

書到用時方恨少It is when you are using what you have learned from books that you wish you had read more books than you have.

Editor: Jade