10个荒谬的健康神话——NO.4 锻炼会让您更聪明



NO.4 锻炼会让你更聪明




There’s no doubt that exercise does a lot of good things for the body. It keeps you in shape, strengthens the immune system, and generally improves the quality of your life. But if someone told you that it also makes you smarter, you’d probably dismiss them as wanting to feel superior about going to the gym.

If you look into some recent research on the subject, though, you’d find that they aren’t wrong. One study published in Nature Medicine found that exercising releases a protein called irisin, which improves the neural connections between different parts of the brain, as well our memory and thinking skills. Moreover, it also reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia.

Another recent study found that sustained exercise—like running and cycling—improves our memorization abilities and produces a type of protein that helps with the production of new brain cells.
