讀英文小幽默學自然拼讀 a /æ/《A Cat's Foreign Language》

rat 老鼠 fat 肥胖的 cat 貓

A Cat's Foreign Language

The mother rat and her babies are playing in the garden. A fat cat is coming to catch them for dinner.

The mother rat and her babies try to run away. But the baby rats can't run very fast. The cat is getting closer and closer. Suddenly, the mother rat stops running and turns around. She shouts at the cat like an angry dog, "Woof, woof, woof." The cat is afraid and runs away.

The mother rat turns to her babies, and says, "You see how important it is to learn a foreign language."



鼠媽媽和她的寶寶們在花園裡玩, 一隻肥貓來了,要抓他們當晚餐。

