经济学人阅读|扉页文章 拜登经济学的利弊和未知

10.09|经济学人阅读|扉页文章 Bidenomics: the good the bad and the unknown

经济学人The Economist是一份英国的英文新闻周报,分八个版本于每周五向全球发行,编辑部位于伦敦,创办于1843年9月。



今天羚羊君(公众:aa-acad)给大家分享的是经济学人2020年10月03日期刊中扉页文章的第一篇:Bidenomics: the good the bad and the unknown。




Bidenomics: the good the bad and the unknown


THE TWO presidential contenders squared up this week in the first debate before America votes on November 3rd. President Donald Trump set out to make it a brawl, even throwing a punch at the validity of the electoral process itself (see article). Joe Biden spent the evening jabbing at Mr Trump for bringing the country to its knees. And the president went for what he hoped would be a knockout blow, accusing his opponent of being a weak man who would succumb to the left's plans to dramatically expand government and cripple business.

在美国的11月3日总统大选投票之前,这两个总统候选人在本周的第一次辩论中齐聚一堂。 唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)总统开始大吵大闹,甚至对选举过程本身的有效性大加抨击(见文章)。 乔·拜登(Joe Biden)该晚猛烈攻击特朗普总统的行为,他的行为使国家屈辱。 而总统则指责他的对手是一个软弱的人,指责他屈服于左派的计划,即大幅扩大政府和削弱商业。


Fear of just such a leftward lurch under Mr Biden is circulating among some American business leaders. However, as we explain (see article), the charge is wide of the mark. Mr Biden has rejected the Utopian ideas of the left. His tax and spending proposals are reasonable. They imply only a modestly bigger state and attempt to deal with genuine problems facing America, including shoddy infrastructure, climate change and the travails of small business. In fact, the flaw in Mr Biden's plans is that in some areas they are not far-reaching enough.

对拜登先生领导下的这种左倾困境的恐惧正在美国一些商业领袖中流传。 但是,正如我们所解释的(请参阅文章),这样的控诉有些离谱了。 拜登先生拒绝了左派的乌托邦思想。 他的税收和支出建议是合理的。 这些税收和支出建议只是略微有点大,但是试图解决了美国面临的真正问题,这些问题包括劣质的基础设施,气候变化和小企业的苦难。 实际上,拜登先生计划的缺陷在于,在某些领域,它们的影响范围还不够广。


When Mr Trump took power in 2017 he hoped to unleash the animal spirits of business by offering bosses a hotline to the Oval Office and slashing red tape and taxes. Before covid-19, bits of this plan were working, helped by loose policy at the Federal Reserve. Small-business confidence was near a 30-year high; stocks were on a tear and the wages of the poorest quartile of workers were growing by 4.7% a year, the fastest since 2008. Voters rank the economy as a priority and, were it not for the virus that record may have been enough to re-elect him.

Yet, partly owing to the pandemic, Mr Trump's shortcomings have also become clear. Long-term problems have festered, including crumbling infrastructure and a patchy social safety-net. The underlying dynamism of business remains weak. Investment is muted and fewer firms have been created even as big ones gain clout. Mr Trump's chaotic style, involving the public shaming of firms and attacks on the rule of law, is a tax on growth. Deregulation has turned into a careless bonfire of rules. The confrontation with China has yielded few concessions, while destabilising the global trading system.

特朗普在2017年上台时,他希望通过向商人们提供总统办公室的热线电话、减少繁文缛节和赋税来发挥商业进取精神。 在covid-19之前,由于美联储的宽松政策,该计划的某些部分开始奏效。 小型企业的信心接近30年来的最高水平。 库存正在下降,最贫穷的四分之一工人的工资每年增长4.7%,是2008年以来最快的。选民们把经济排在了优先位置,如果没有疫情