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iPhone 11 Pro (professional)

20. triple‑camera syste 三摄系统

A transformative triple-camera system that adds tons of capability without complexity. An unprecedented leap in battery life. And a mind‑blowing chip that doubles down on machine learning and pushes the boundaries of what a smartphone can do. Welcome to the first iPhone powerful enough to be called Pro.

突破性的三摄系统,功能超广却简单易用;电池续航实现了空前的飞跃;极具潜能的芯片,不仅机器学习能力翻倍,更为智能手机开启了新的可能。来,认识一下我们首款足以称之为 Pro 的 iPhone。

21. Two sizes. Four finishes. Stainless steel and glass design.


22. Pro camera system 专业级摄像头系统

23. Ultra wide camera 超广角摄像头

13 mm focal length 13 毫米焦距

ƒ/2.4 aperture ƒ/2.4 光圈

5-element lens 五镜式镜头

120° field of view 120° 视角

4x more scene 四倍取景范围

12MP sensor 1200 万像素感光元件

24. Wide Camera 广角摄像头

26 mm focal length 26 毫米焦距

ƒ/1.8 aperture ƒ/1.8 光圈

6-element lens 六镜式镜头

Optical image stabilization 光学图像防抖功能

New 12MP sensor 全新 1200 万像素感光元件

25. Telephoto camera 长焦摄像头

52 mm focal length 52 毫米焦距

Larger ƒ/2.0 aperture 更大的 ƒ/2.0 光圈

6-element lens 六镜式镜头

Optical image stabilization 光学图像防抖功能

2x optical zoom 2 倍光学变焦

12MP sensor 1200 万像素感光元件

Expanded field of view. iPhone 11 Pro lets you zoom from the Telephoto all the way out to the new Ultra Wide camera, for an impressive 4x optical zoom range.

广阔大视野。iPhone 11 Pro 可从长焦摄像头一直到全新的超广角摄像头,进行效果出众的 4 倍光学变焦。

26. immersive interface 沉浸式界面

Elegant, immersive interface. We leveraged the wider field of view to let you see what's happening outside the image frame — and simply tap to capture it. And there's almost nothing between you and your subject except a new, Pro camera font. So you're always fully immersed in the scene.


27. 4K video 4K 视频

Epic processing power means it can shoot 4K video with extended dynamic range and cinematic video stabilization — all at 60 fps. You get more creative control, too, with four times more scene and powerful new editing tools to play with.

它有澎湃的处理能力,能使用扩展的动态范围和影院级防抖功能,以 60 fps 拍摄 4K 视频。另外,利用四倍的取景范围和强大的全新编辑工具,你还能随意挥洒灵感,玩出各种花样。

A13 Bionic for real-time processing A13 仿生 支持实时处理

Audio zoo to match audio with video framing 音频变焦 使音频与取景保持一致

4x more scene with Ultra Wide 4倍取景范围 超广角

28. Night mode 夜间模式

From dimly lit restaurants to moonlit beaches, the new Night mode uses intelligent software and A13 Bionic to deliver low‑light shots never before possible on iPhone. And it all happens automatically. You can also experiment with manual controls to dial in even more detail and less noise

无论在烛光摇曳的昏暗餐厅,还是波光粼粼的月下海滩,全新的夜间模式都能运用智能的软件和强大的 A13 仿生,实现 iPhone 前所未有的低光拍摄效果,而且一切都是自动的。你还可以尝试手动控制,通过微调来获得更丰富的细节,并减少噪点。

29. Portrait mode 人像模式

With three cameras working together, you can fit more in your portraits than ever. iOS 13 adds the High-Key Light Mono effect for studio‑style monochromes. And Portrait Lighting lets you control the intensity of light to flatter your subject — just like you would in a studio. How beautiful is that?

有了三个摄像头的默契配合,拍人像时,你可以把更广的视角收入到镜头中。iOS 13 增加了高调单色光效果,可轻松创作风格鲜明的单色照。还有,在人像光效模式下,你能像在影棚中一样,控制光照的强度,更突出地表现拍摄主体。效果如何?请继续往下看。

30. Smart HDR 智能高动态范围成像(HDR:High Dynamic Range)

Next-generation Smart HDR uses advanced algorithms to finesse highlight and shadow detail in your image. And now it leverages machine learning to recognize faces in your shot and intelligently relight them. That means iPhone 11 Pro can automatically fine-tune detail in both the subject and the background. Even some DSLR cameras can't do that.

新一代智能 HDR 可运用先进的算法,精细优化图像中高光及阴影的细节。而现在,它还会利用机器学习技术,识别并提亮照片中人物的面部。也就是说,iPhone 11 Pro 可同时自动优化拍摄主体和背景的细节,这甚至会让许多单反相机都羡慕。

Be ready when your photo op turns into a video op.

Say you're taking photos and you see something you've got to catch on video. With QuickTake, there's no need to switch modes. Just leave your finger on the shutter to start recording. Want to keep the recording going? Swipe right. To take burst photos, swipe left.



32. Even more cool camera features. 摄像头的亮点

40% more light capture with Telephoto 40%长焦拍摄进光量增加

36% brighter True Tone flash with Slow Sync 36%开启慢速同步时

Zero shutter lag 零快门延迟近乎为零

6 lighting effects in Portrait mode 6 种人像模式光效

2x more height for panos 2 倍全景照片高度

OIS optical image stabilization OIS光学图像防抖

33 Pro display 专业级显示屏

Super Retina XDR 超视网膜 XDR

Up to 800 nits 最高可达 800 尼特

Up to 1200 nits 最高可达 1200 尼特

for HDR photos and movies 2,000,000:1 contrast ratio

适合观看 HDR 照片和视频 2000000:1 对比度

458 pixels per inch 458 ppi 像素密度

34. color gamut 色域

Wide color gamut with systemwide color management for incredible color accuracy. 色域宽, 采用系统级色彩管理,色彩显示极为精准

35. True Tone 原彩显示

True Tone matches the white balance of the room to make things easier on your eyes.


36. Haptic Touch 触感触控

Haptic Touch lets you do things faster, like take selfies without launching the Camera app.

触感触控让事情做起来更快捷,比如不用启动相机 app 就能自拍。

Tap or raise to wake means your iPhone is always ready in an instant.

轻点或抬起唤醒你的 iPhone 随时待命并立即可用。

37. Night Shift 夜览

Night Shift can shift your display to the warmer end of the spectrum every night.

夜览 可在每天晚上将显示屏调整至较暖的色调。

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