人教英语八下Unit2 书面表达讲解



3b Write a letter or e-mail to the place you want to volunteer at.

First,think about the details .





Then,think about these questions .

1) Which volunteer job do you want to do?

I’d like to help kids in an after-school program.

/ I want to volunteer as a teacher in an after-school program.

2) What are your interests and hobbies?

In my free time, I like to speak English.

/ I’m strong in/good at speaking English.

3) How can these help you to do the job?

I can help practice English with the kids.

4) Why do you want to do the volunteer job?

I’m good with kids. / I like to talk with kids.

5) When are you free to do the job?

I’m free on the weekends. / I can do the job on Saturdays and Sundays.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to you about volunteering at the library. I’m interested in computers and teaching, and I want to volunteer as a computer teacher for people who lack computer skills. (做什么工作)

I love working with computers and I’m good at explaining how to use new software to younger students at my school. I’ve taught my grandparents how to use e-mails and word processing software. (兴趣爱好及帮助)

I like to help people to enjoy computers as much as I do, so I think I’d be good at this job. I want to help out as a volunteer at your library because I know that many people go there to use your computers. I’m free to help on weekends and sometimes in the evenings. (为什么及时间)

Yours truly,

Jiang Hua


有句话是“帮助他人,快乐自己”。志愿工作在中国已经很流行了。你愿意帮助他人吗?如果你有机会成为志愿者,你愿意做什么工作呢?为什么?请根据以上提示写一篇80个词左右的文章, 标题和开头已给出, 不计入总词数。

参考词汇: be ready to do sth.;have a chance; would like to; not only…but also

Volunteering is becoming more and more popular in China. We can feel happy when we offer hand to any one in need ____________________________________________________


Volunteering is becoming more and more popular in China. We can feel happy when we offer hand to any one in need .

If I’m a volunteer, I will be ready to help the children who can get education in the poor area, I can post some books they need. If I have a chance to teach there, I'll work very hard and teach them knowledge as much as possible. I will not only raise money and gave away it to them but also teach them how to be a good student.

With my help, I suppose these children will live a better life in the future.