
大清銅幣,學名清代機制銅圓,錢面中央有“大清銅幣”四個漢字,內嵌一小字代表地名,上端是滿文“大清銅幣”字樣,兩側為年份。邊緣中間分別“戶部”二漢字,下端為“當制錢十文”。錢背中央為蟠龍,上端是“光緒(或宣統)年造”,下端英文“Tai-Ching Ti-Kuo Copper Coin”字樣(大清帝國銅幣)。




英文名稱:The qing dynasty copper COINS should be made into ten COINS




丁未大清銅幣,錢幣為圓形,銅幣正面珠圈內印有“大清銅幣”四字,左右兩邊是丁未,上緣列有滿文“大清銅幣”,下緣列“當制錢十文”,背面為統一蟠龍,又稱“部頒龍”或“大清龍”上緣為“光緒年造”、字樣,下緣為英文“TAI-CIIING-TI-KUO COPPER COIN”,漢譯為“大清帝國銅幣”。戶部所鑄銅元正面中央無文字,所以此枚銅幣是戶部所鑄。





英文名稱:West Wang Shang work











英文名稱:Sun yat-sen is like a guangdong immortal




藏品“五羊圖壹仙銅幣”。質為紅銅,幣面中央有一圓孔凹痕。 五羊圖壹仙銅幣正面穿上分列“中華民國廿五年”、“廣東省造”兩行文字,書法纖細雋美。穿下為五隻羊圖,形態生動,坐臥起立, 天一雷同,雕刻工細,惟妙惟肖。


故廣州亦有“五羊城”或“羊城”之稱。另外廣州又有“穗”城 之簡稱。所以五羊圖銅幣的背面右刻“壹仙”兩字,左有形態自然的未穗一束。設計者採用五隻羊圖及一束稻穗作圖案,可謂構思巧妙。獨具匠心!




英文名稱:This province made guangxu yuan treasure







1911年辛亥革命爆發後,革命黨在南京建立臨時政府,各省代表推舉孫中山為臨時大總統,1912年元月民國正式建立。以袁世凱為首的北洋勢力主政中國,北洋政府分崩離析後政局動盪不安,孫中山南下廣州,召開國民黨一大,建立黃埔軍校隨而建立國民政府,促成國共合作後的孫中山不久病逝。 1926年蔣介石繼承孫中山遺志領導國民北伐,意欲統一中國,到1928年東北易幟,國民政府從形式上統一中國, 蔣介石成為繼孫中山之後的國民黨領袖。 統一之後,民國進入所謂的“黃金十年”建設時期。 1937年抗戰全面爆發,中國成為反法西斯同盟國,國際地位大大提高,一舉成為美英中蘇四大國。1949年後因國共內戰失利,中華民國時期結束。



英文名稱:Republic of China









英文名稱:Xuantong three years of the qing dynasty five copper COINS









英文名稱:Founding of the constitution coin








英文名稱:Two hundred COINS with two flags




當貳百銅元的正背面圖案和前期鑄行的當五十義旗嘉禾銅元類似。正面中心 點珠圈內有兩叢嘉禾襯托著的一朵盛開的十二瓣扁菊,上緣書“中華民國”,下緣書“當貳百文銅元”,兩側 各有一朵浮雕狀的立體長六瓣大花;背面中心交叉的雙旗作了明顯的改動,象徵著辛亥革命和民國建立的五色旗和鐵血十八星旗被青天白日旗和青天白日滿地紅旗代替。

青天白日旗,最初是由資產階級革命黨人陸皓東設計的,當時旗上的叉光數目多寡不一,後經孫中山先生解釋,叉光代表干支之數,排作十二,以代十二時辰;後來作為國民黨黨旗使用。青天白日滿地紅旗,與青天白日旗相仿,只是將青天白日圖案改在旗的左上角,其餘部分為紅色。1927年 4月蔣介石發動“四一二”反革命政變,同年南京國民政府成立,定青天白日滿地紅旗為國旗, 取代了五色旗。


英文翻譯:Qing dynasty copper coin, scientific name qing dynasty mechanism copper round, money face central has "qing dynasty copper coin" four Chinese characters, embedded in a small character to represent the place name, the top is the manchu "qing dynasty copper coin" words, both sides for the year. In the middle of the edge are two Chinese characters for "ministry of household", and the bottom is "ten characters for making money". The central part of the Coin is panlong, and the top part is "made in guangxu (or xuantong) year". The bottom part is "tai-ching ti-kuo Copper Coin" in English.

Casting around the more unified. Casting began in 1900 (the twenty-sixth year of the reign of emperor guangxu of the qing dynasty) and ended in 1911 (the third year of the reign of emperor xuantong). Because of its elegant layout design, fine carving, and the existence of the world is very rare, the qing dynasty copper COINS guangxu years department made when ten is known as one of China's modern currency ten reputation.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: the year of the qing dynasty when copper COINS ten COINS

The qing dynasty copper COINS should be made into ten COINS

Specification: one piece

Category: miscellaneous

Phase: beauty

Ding qing COPPER COINS, COIN is round, COPPER COIN positive bead circle with "qing coppers" four words, left and right sides, is not on the edge of the column with the manchu "qing" COIN to lower edge column "when ZhiQian ten", on the back for unified panlong, also known as "the customer dragon" or "qing dragon" on the edge for the words "made in guangxu years", and lower edge in English "TAI - CIIING - TI - KUO COPPER COIN", Chinese translation for "qing empire coppers. There is no character in the center of the front face of the coin cast by the ministry of household, so this coin is cast by the ministry of household.

Qing dynasty copper coin format, especially when ten for the most. During the reign of the emperor of the qing dynasty, a number of copper COINS were issued as currency. The use of copper COINS has important practical and historical significance, making transactions more convenient. And now, the qing dynasty copper coin also has a certain value of collection, many collectors of the qing dynasty copper coin love, and the collection of a variety of copper COINS has become their goal, this coin paste nature, the bottom light is soft, clear handwriting, dragon pattern lifelike, perfect is rare collection of COINS.

In the last years of the Ming dynasty, the world was in chaos and the heroes rebelled. Among the numerous peasant rebel armies, there are two most famous peasant rebel armies. One is the peasant rebel army led by li zicheng. In 1644, xi 'an was changed to xijing. The other was the peasant rebel army led by zhang xianzhong, who conquered wuchang in 1643 and occupied the royal palace of chu. In 1644, zhang xianzhong proclaimed himself emperor in chengdu and named his country "da xi". He minted "da shun tong bao" copper COINS and minted "xi wang yu gong" gold, silver and bronze commemorative COINS to reward meritorious soldiers.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: xiwang meritorious service

English name: West Wang Shang work

Specification: one piece

Category: miscellaneous

Phase: beauty

This coin outside the circle inside the square, the symbol heaven and earth universe, square mouth outside the edge of the west king appreciation of four words, the reverse side has black lacquer ancient package paste, open the door to see old.

Black lacquer: bronze long-term in atmospheric corrosion mechanism analysis of copper, bronze, brass in the atmosphere is very stable, generally less than 0.00015 mm/year, in the copper surface generates a very stable layer of protective film, mainly alkaline type copper sulfate in olive green, also can produce copper oxide (CuO) in black, cuprous sulphur black, and stannous oxide (SnO), dark brown. The older the rust layer thickened color also become dark, commonly known as "black lacquer ancient", if long in the hand will make the surface as bright as a mirror commonly known as "handed down the ancient". But this type of copper also produces electrochemical corrosion, so it is "dumb". If the copper long-term in the dry environment (in the atmosphere or soil) will also produce copper oxide and Venus oxide dark black, commonly known as "black lacquer ancient"

Here is very interesting, li zicheng dashun jun jianguo "dashun", the casting is "yongchang tongbao", to is the casting of zhang xianzhong dashun tongbao. Zhang xianzhong named the country "da xi", casting west wang reward money is certainly to be examined.

The west king appreciates merit "silver money, the literature records once discovered 2 successively. The first stone for the late qing dynasty and early republic of China collector shen yancheng secret collection, after the death of people and things scattered, annihilation in the river of history. The second is a coin collector Robert Robert bought with heavy gold in chongqing in 1933, it can be seen that its COINS are rare, very valuable for historical research and economic collection.

The guangdong government led by Chen jitang, in order to resist the nanjing government's implementation of legal currency policy, in the 25 years of the republic of China, tried to produce the "sun yat-sen is like an immortal in guangdong" and "five sheep picture an immortal" copper dollar. Since ancient times, guangzhou has the legend of the five sheep immortals, so it is also known as the "five sheep city".

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: sun yat-sen is like a guangdong immortal

Sun yat-sen is like a guangdong immortal

Specification: one piece

Category: miscellaneous

Phase: beauty

Collection of "five sheep picture one cents copper COINS." It is of red copper, with a round hole and dent in the middle of the surface. Five sheep picture one cents copper coin on the front wear "republic of China 25 years", "made in guangdong province" two lines of text, calligraphy slender Juan beauty. Wear for five sheep, vivid form, sitting, lying up, the same day, carving fine, lifelike.

The legend about the five sheep: "there were five immortals riding on the six ears of grain in the street of the king of zhou, who came down to chu ting (ancient name) and gave the ears of grain to the people of zhou and wished them never to be hungry. The immortal said hide, sheep into stone ".

Therefore, guangzhou is also known as "five sheep city" or "sheep city". In addition, guangzhou has the abbreviation of "spike" city. So the back of the wuyang figure copper coin right engraved "one cents" two words, the left has the form of natural not a bunch of ears. The designer USES five sheep and a bunch of rice ears as the design. Show originality!

Guangxu yuan bao, as the main currency in circulation at the end of the qing dynasty, was issued in many versions. Some provincial silver yuan with short release time and little circulation was especially precious, among which "made in zhejiang province" guangxu yuan bao was one kind. As the qing government of zhejiang province, one of the main sources of provinces is the main area of coastal open port of foreign trade and economic development requires a lot of trade silver, but without their own advanced mechanism of COINS casting ability in zhejiang province, but under had to trust elsewhere to casting, and because the qing government to take back the local COINS rights owned by the central casting, so "made in zhejiang province" guangxu wing only a quite rare, has attracted many attentions of the coin collectors.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: this province made guangxu yuan treasure

This province made guangxu yuan treasure

Specification: one piece

Category: miscellaneous

Phase: beauty

Guangxu yuan treasure made in zhejiang province. Coin front bead ring cast in the Chinese character "guangxu yuan bao", the center is six hollow plum blossom, the left and right casting manchu, on the cast "zhejiang province made" four characters, the bottom along the cast value "when ten" two characters. Back center cast dragon drawing and fire dragon bead, top and bottom cast in English.

Ancient COINS are of great ornamental and historical value, so they are as popular among collectors as other antiques. The earliest mechanism of the foreign silver yuan in China was the "guangxu yuan treasure" in the reign of guangxu, commonly known as "longyang", which was named for the dragon pattern on the back of the silver yuan. Rare ancient money is the physical object of the history of money, because it has not been in circulation, the remaining is also very few, but also the historical witness. This piece of zhejiang province made guangxu ingot, the preservation degree is more perfect, is very rare, its copper color is very good. The guangxu yuan treasure is very fine, with distinct characteristics, is the ancient currency collectors dream of the best choice.

Republic of China (1912-1949), east of Asia, on the Pacific Ocean. It was the first democratic republic in Asia after the 1911 revolution.

After the 1911 revolution, the revolutionary party established a provisional government in nanjing, and representatives from the provinces elected sun yat-sen as the provisional President. The republic of China was formally established in January 1912. The beiyang forces led by yuan shikai were in charge of China. After the collapse of the beiyang government, the political situation was in turmoil. In 1926, Chiang kai-shek led the northern expedition in succession to sun yat-sen's will, intending to unify China. By 1928, the northeast changed its banner, and the nationalist government formally unified China. Chiang kai-shek became the leader of the kuomintang after sun yat-sen. After unification, the republic of China entered the so-called "golden decade" construction period. In 1937, the war of resistance against Japanese aggression broke out, and China became the anti-fascist ally. After 1949, the republic of China period ended due to the defeat of the Chinese civil war.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: republic of China

English name: Republic of China

Specification: one piece

Category: miscellaneous

Phase: beauty

The front of the republic of China placed around the top and bottom, the middle of a party flower, on the back of the inscription of ten face value, the middle party flower, about a flower Yang engraving.

In the 100 anniversary of the 1911 revolution, the recent red collection again heated up, especially has always been highly sensitive to major historical events of gold and silver coin collection market, the short-term market is hot. In the late qing dynasty and early republic of China, the mechanism copper COINS have always had a deep collection in the coin collection circle.

Xuantong three years, tianjin branch of the general election of COINS factory began to cast two, one, five li, one li new copper COINS, at the same time also cast the value of the text, respectively: twenty, ten, five, two, one new copper COINS, of which twenty, ten have red, white copper two COINS. Five copper only one, two, one copper yuan. This kind of copper coin is rare because it is rare in the world.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: xuantong three years of the qing dynasty five copper COINS

Xuantong three years of the qing dynasty five copper COINS

Specification: one piece

Category: miscellaneous

Phase: beauty

This money for qing xuantong three years to build five coin, casting is made of red copper casting, its characteristic: write five meter value, in front on both sides of golden harvest grain, on the outside edge xuantong three years there is a flower on each side, written under RMB two hundred in silver one meter value, xuantong dragon on the back, commonly known as the book of qing coppers five xuantong three years wide flange semicircle dragon,

Qing xuantong year made five coin, less circulation, guangxu thirty-three years in 1907, the coin branch factory, renamed degrees of coinage factory, each power calendar, format values are complete, has issued a, two, five, ten, twenty, but after some copper coin minted small did not release, the existing scarce, high value for collection.

In July 1917, zhang xun restored the state and cao kun became commander-in-chief of the rebellious army on the west road. Sun yat-sen went south to protect the law. Cao kun had a telephone message to support duan qirui's opposition to the restoration of the old national assembly and the protection of the military government. In February 1918, cao nan went to hankou, acting as the commander of the third division and the commander of the former enemy with wu peifu, led his troops into yuezhou, occupied changsha and took hengyang. In December 1919, feng guozhang died of illness, and cao kun was regarded as the immediate leader.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: constitution establishment commemorative coin

Founding of the constitution coin

Specification: one piece

Category: miscellaneous

Phase: beauty

In 1923, the general assembly of the presidential election finally came to an end, because the members of both houses of parliament took bribes, in order to cover up their actions, they were eager to complete the constitution. On October 8, the third reading of the whole constitution was completed, and it was promulgated on October 10. At that time, the public opinion called it the "vote-buying constitution". In December 1923, cao kun became the sixth President of the beiyang government through bribery. The general coin factory in tianjin minted and issued the commemorative silver coin of cao kun's military uniform, also known as "wu cao kun".

During the republic of China, warlords fought among themselves in the central plains. After each military governor and chairman of henan province came to power, in order to maintain the huge military expenditure, they all cast copper yuan to make huge profits. In early May 1927, the northern lobbing army of wuhan national government and the national army jointly attacked the fengjun army in henan, forcing the fengjun army to withdraw from henan. After the war in henan ended, feng yuxiang became chairman of henan province. In March 1928, the national army established henan agricultural and industrial bank with its headquarters in kaifeng, the seat of the provincial government. Although it is a joint venture between government and business, it is less than a tenth. On October 16 of the same year, the bank began to issue 10 million copper notes, which were merged into northwest bank in October. In order to redeem the notes, feng yuxiang ordered the henan bureau of copper COINS to be minted into 100 copper dollars, of which there was a portion of 200 copper dollars.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: two hundred characters double flag coin

English name: Two hundred COINS with Two flags

Specification: one piece

Category: miscellaneous

Phase: beauty

When the two hundred copper front and back patterns and early cast when the fifty flag jiahe copper similar. In front of the central point bead ring there are two clusters of jiahe foils a blooming 12-petal flat chrysanthemum, the upper edge of the book "the republic of China", the lower edge of the book "when two hundred copper dollar", on both sides of a relief shaped three-dimensional long six big flowers; On the reverse side of the center crossed double flag made obvious changes, symbolizing the establishment of the revolution of 1911 and the republic of China five-color flag and iron blood 18-star flag were replaced by the blue sky flag and blue sky red flag.

The blue sky and day flag was originally designed by lu haodong, a bourgeois revolutionary party member. Later it was used as the kuomintang flag. Blue sky and day red flag, and blue day and day flag similar, but the blue day and day design changed in the upper left corner of the flag, the rest of the red. In April 1927, Chiang kai-shek launched the "April 12" counter-revolutionary coup. In the same year, the nanjing national people's government was founded.

Above red spot green embroider opens the door to see old, and green embroider color depth is different, pack oar nature, bottom light is soft, without thief light, 200 text is the highest face value of double flag, face value is bigger the circulation is less, it is a rare rare copper coin.