
《新概念英語》(New Concept English)作為享譽全球的最為經典地道的英語教材,以其嚴密的體系性、嚴謹的科學性、精湛的實用性、濃郁的趣味性深受英語學習者的青睞,對於初學者而言,在英語學習過程中,要多說多聽,下面是


Lesson 67:The weekend 週末



Listen to the tape then answer this question. What are the Johnsons going to do at the weekend?




MRS.JOHNSON: Hello.Where you at the butcher's?您好。剛才您在肉店裡嗎?

MRS.WILLIAMS:Yes. I was.Were you at butcher's, too?是的,我在肉店裡。您也在肉店裡嗎?


No, I wasn't.I was at the greengrocer's.How's Jimmy today?不,我不是。我在蔬菜水果店裡。吉米今天怎麼樣?

MRS.WILLIAMS:He's very well, thank you.他很好,謝謝您。

MRS.JOHNSON: Was he absent from school last week?上星期他沒上學吧?

MRS.WILLIAMS:Yes, he was.He was absent on Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday .How are you all keeping?是的,他沒上學。他星期一、星期二、星期三和星期四沒去上學。你們身體都好嗎?

MRS.JOHNSON: Very well, thank you.We're going to spend three days in the country.We're going to stay at my mother's for the weekend. 很好,謝謝您。我們打算到鄉下去散散,在我母親家度週末。

MRS.WILLIAMS:Friday, Saturday and Sunday in the country!Aren't you lucky!星期五、星期六和星期日在鄉下過!你們真幸運啊!

New Word and expressions 生詞和短語

greengrocer n. 蔬菜水果零售商

I was at the greengrocer's.我在蔬菜水果店裡。

I bought these apples at the greengrocer's.我在蔬菜水果店裡買了這些蘋果。

Is there any greengrocer in this street?我這條街上有蔬菜水果零售商嗎?

absent adj. 缺席的

He was absent from the meeting.開會的時候,他沒有到場。

Can you tell me how many people are absent?你能告訴我有多少人缺席嗎?

Monday n. 星期一

He was absent on Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday.他星期一,二,三和星期四沒去上學。

Do you have any classes on Monday?你星期一早上有課嗎?

I have to work on Mondays.我星期一都要上班。

Tuesday n. 星期二

They will come to see me on Tuesday. 他們星期二要來看我。

Are you free next Tuesday? 你下個星期二有空嗎?

Wednesday n. 星期三

I am taking my Maths test on Wednesday.我星期三要考數學。

I have to get up very early on Wednesday mornings.我逢星期三早上都要很早起床。

Thursday n. 星期四

We often eat out on Thursday. 星期四我們經常出外面吃飯。

I will call you on Thursday. 我星期四給你打電話。

keep v. (身體健康)處於(狀況)

How are you all keeping?你們身體都好嗎?

He often does sports to keep fit.他經常運動,保持健康。

Swimming can help people to keep healthy.游泳可以使人保持健康。

spend v. 度過

We're going to spend three days in the country. 我們打算到鄉下呆三天。

How did you spend your holiday?你怎麼度過你的假期的?

I spend some time will my parents every month.每個月,我都花些時間和我父母在一起。

weekend n. 周未

We're going to stay at my mother's for the weekend.我們打算在我母親家度週末。

Have a nice weekend!週末愉快!

We are having a party this weekend.這個週末我們將舉行晚會。

Friday n. 星期五

Friday,Saturday and Sunday in the country!星期五,星期六和星期日在鄉下過!

Christmas comes on Friday this year.今年的聖誕節在星期五。

The salad will arrive on Friday.沙拉星期五到。

Saturday n. 星期六

He always goes back home on Saturdays.他星期六總是回家。

The film will be on this Saturday.這部電影將在星期六播出。

Sunday n. 星期日

I never have any breakfast on Sundays.星期天我總是沒吃早餐。

What are you doing this Sunday?這個星期天你將做什麼?

country n. 鄉村

he went to live in the country when he retired.他退體後就到農場去生活了。

Life in the country is quiet.鄉村的生活很寧靜。

lucky adj. 幸運的

Aren't you lucky!你們真幸運!

You are lucky;you didn't break your leg.你很幸動,腿沒斷。

John is lucky to get that job.約翰真幸運,得到了那份工作。