
Module1 Lost and Found


1. lost and found box 失物招領箱 2. welcome back 歡迎回來

3. first of all 首先 4. here is/are... 這有...

5. from now on 從現在開始 6. be careful with 小心保管

7. whose bag 誰的包 8. talk to sb. 與某人交談

9. mobile phone 移動電話,手機 10. get on 上車 ( get off 下車)

11. two thousand 兩千 (thousands of 數以千計的...)

12. look for 尋找 13. at the moment 現在

14. in a hurry 匆忙地 15. alot of 許多,大量

16. hundreds of 數以百計的 17. on the train 在火車上

18. every day 每天 19. such as 例如

20. make a list of 列一張...的清單

21. ask/answer questions 問/回答問題


1. Welcome back to school! 歡迎回到學校!

2. Whose bag is this? 這是誰的書包?

3. It’s mine. 它是我的。

4. Are these crayons yours? 這些是你的蠟筆嗎?

5. Whose tapes are these? 這些是誰的磁帶?

6. Here’s a purple wallet! 這兒有個紫色錢包。

7. I think it’s Betty’s. 我認為它是貝蒂的。

8. Everyone, please be careful with your things from now on. 請大家從今以後仔細對待你們的東西。

9. People often lose things when they’re travelling or when they’re in a hurry. 當人們旅行或在匆忙中時,他們經常丟東西。

10. They leave things on planes, on trains, on buses and in taxis. 他們把東西落在飛機上,火車上,公交車上或者出租車上。

11. That’s why…. 那就是……的原因。

12. Hundreds of people come here every day. 每天數百人來這兒。

13. Whose are they? Are they yours? 它們是誰的?是你的嗎?

14. Are you looking for fifteen kilos of sausages? 你在找15公斤香腸嗎?

Module2 What Can You Do?


1. table tennis 乒乓球 2. play the piano 彈鋼琴

3. play table tennis 打乒乓球 4. ride a bike 騎自行車

5. speak Chinese 說漢語 6. would like to do sth. 想要做某事

7. worry about 擔心 8. play football 踢足球

9. the Music Club 音樂俱樂部

10. get on well with sb. 與某人相處融洽

11. in the school team 在校隊 12. work very hard 學習非常努力

13. be sure 確信的 14. be ready to do sth. 準備做某事

15. make our classroom beautiful 使我們的教室漂亮

16. be good at sth. 擅長做某事 17. fly a kite 放風箏

18. swim well 游泳遊的好 19.make a poster 製作海報


1. The new clubs for this term are on the board. 本學期新的俱樂部已經在佈告板上.。

2. I’d like to join the Music Club. 我想加入音樂俱樂部。

3. Can you cook, Daming? 大明,你會做飯嗎?

4. I can cook eggs, but that’s all. 我會炒雞蛋,但是僅此而已。

5. Which club can she join? 她能加入哪個俱樂部?

6. I think she’d like to join the Dancing Club because she can dance really well. 我認為他願意加入舞蹈俱樂部因為她跳舞跳的真的很好。

7. How about you? 你呢?

8. I can’t speak Chinese very well. 我說漢語說得不好。

9. Don’t worry about Chinese. 不要擔心漢語。

10. We can teach you Chinese! 我能教你漢語!

11. It’s the start of the new term and we’re choosing our new monitors. 現在是新學期的開端,我們正在選新的班幹部。

12. I’d like to be the class monitor. 我想成為班長。

13. I get on well with everyone, classmates and teachers. 我與每個人,老師和同學們相處的好。

14. I’m kind and I’m always ready to help others. 我很友好並且我總是樂於幫助別人。

15. Choose me as your class monitor and I promise to help you! 選我做班長,我保證幫助你們!

16. I want to be the PE monitor. 我想成為體育委員。

17. I can run really fast. I’m really fit and healthy. 我能跑得很快。我真得很健康。

18. I usually get the best score in every match. 每次比賽我通常都得最高分。

19. Choose me for the PE monitor and you can get the best score too! 選我做體育委員,你們也能得最高分。

20. I often help my mother do cleaning at home. 我經常在家幫我媽媽打掃衛生。

21. I’m sure everybody would like a clean classroom, just like home. 我確信每個人都想要一個像家一樣乾淨的教室。

22. Choose me and we can make our classroom beautiful. 選我吧,我們能使我們的教室變得漂亮。

Module3 Making plans


1. go over 複習 2. see a movie 看電影

3. help with the housework 幫忙做家務

4. have a piano lesson 上鋼琴課

5. at the weekend 在週末 6. have a picnic 野餐

7. on Saturday morning 在週六上午 8. join us 加入到我們中來

9. in the park 在公園

10. do one’s homework 做(某人的)家庭作業

11. stay at home alone 獨自待在家裡

12. look forward to 盼望 13. get up late 起床晚

14. enjoy oneself 過得愉快 15. read a book 讀書

16. May Day(Labor Day) 五一勞動節

17. on 2nd May 在五月二日 18. go swimming 去游泳

19. take a walk 散步 20. collect litter in the park 在公園裡收集垃圾

21. go sightseeing 觀光

22. spend time with family and friends 與家人和朋友們一起度過時光

23. make some new friends 結交一些新朋友

24. at home 在家

25. in the morning of 1st May 在五月一日的上午

26. go on summer camp 去夏令營 27. on the beach 在海灘上

28. listen to music 聽音樂 29. travel around the world 環遊世界

30. play computer games 玩電腦遊戲

31. stay in bed 待在床上 32. make plans 制定計劃

33. go for a walk 去散步 34. have fun 玩得愉快

【重點句型 】

1. What are you going to do at the weekend?=What are your plans for the weekend? 你週末打算做什麼?/你週末的計劃是什麼?

2. On Saturday morning, I’m going to check my email and do my homework. 在週六上午,我打算查看我的電子郵件並做作業。

3. Then I’m going to help with the housework. 然後我將幫忙做家務。

4. Who else is going to be there? 還有誰去那裡?

5. She can’t come with us. 她不能和我們一塊(去)。

6. Would you like to join us? 你願意加入我們嗎?

7. Are we going to meet here? 我們在這兒見面嗎?

8. We are going to meet in the park at one o’clock. 我們一點鐘在公園見面。

9. I’m going to stay at home alone. 我打算一個人在家待著。

10. Don’t be silly! 別傻了!

11. It’s going to be a fantastic weekend! 那將會是一個極好的週末!

12. I’m looking forward to the football match tomorrow. 我正期待著明天的足球比賽。

13. We’re going to meet other fans, and make some new friends. 我們將會遇到其他的球迷,並結交一些新朋友。

14. We’re all going to wear the team shirt. 我們將會穿上我們隊的隊服。

15. We’re going to cheer the players. 我們將會為球隊加油。

16. On the morning of 1st May, I’m going to get up late and then read a book. 五月一日早晨我會晚點起床,然後看書。

17. In the afternoon I’m going out with my family and friends. 下午我打算和家人、朋友一起外出。

18. It’s going to be a great holiday---busy but good fun! 這將會是一個很棒的假期,忙碌而有趣!

19. Usually I spend the summer holiday at home, but this year is going to be very different because I’m going on a summer camp in Sydney, Australia. 通常我都是在家過暑假,但是今年將完全不同,因為我將要參加一個在澳大利亞悉尼舉辦的夏令營。

20. We’re also going sightseeing and going to have a picnic on the beach. 我們還要好好地遊覽一番,並且在海灘上用餐。

Module4 Life in the future


1. in the future 將來 2. ask questions 問問題

3. carry lots of books 搬許多書 4. by Internet 通過因特網

5. in 20 years’ time 在20年後 6. be able to 能夠

7. study at home 在家學習 8. not…any more 不再...

9. get information on the Internet 在網上得到信息

10. free time 空閒時間 11. traffic jam 交通堵塞

12. the sea level 海平面 13. in spring 在春天

14. a kind of 一種 15. cold wind 冷風

16. not only…but also… 不但…而且…

17. as well 也,又 18. on farm 在農場

19. play with 與…一起玩 20. in the air 在空中

21. light rain 小雨 22. write down 寫下,記下


1. Will schools be different in the future? 未來的學校會不一樣嗎?2. In twenty years time, maybe there won’t be any schools! 也許二十年後就沒有學校了!

3. Everyone will study at home. 每個人都會在家學習。

4. Students will use computers and get information on the Internet. 學生們將會使用電腦,並且從網上獲取信息。

5. They can ask their teachers by Internet, telephone or email. 他們可以通過上網、打電話或發郵件問老師問題。

6. And teachers can check the students’ level and will help them. 而且老師也可以檢查學生們的學習水平,並幫助他們。

7. Computers won’t do that. 電腦可做不了。

8. Teachers won’t use on a blackboard and students won’t use pens and paper, or erasers any more. 老師們將不會再用粉筆在黑板上寫字,學生們也不會再用鋼筆、紙張或橡皮了。

9. Will students have a lot of homework to do? 那學生們還會有很多作業要做嗎?

10. They’ll have a lot of free time! 他們會有很多空閒時間!

11 .That’ll be great! 那太棒了。

12. What will life be like in the future? 未來的生活會怎樣?

13. How will things change? 將會發生怎樣的變化?

14. Here are some ideas. Which ones will come true?


15. In the future, a change of weather won’t mean a change of clothes.


16. They’ll be warm when we’re cold, and cool when we’re hot.


17. There’ll be no more light rain and cold wind in spring.


18. The sea level will rise as well. 海平面也會升高。

19. We won’t travel by bus or bike any more.


20. It’ll be cheap to travel everywhere by plane, not only over land, but also over the sea or even into space. 坐飛機旅行將會變得非常便宜,不僅可以在陸地上空飛行,而且還可以飛到海上甚至進入太空。

21. Maybe there’ll be traffic jams in the air.


22. Working hours will be short so people will have long holidays.


Module5 Shopping


1. clothes shop 服裝店 2. half price 半價

3. try on 試穿 4. shop worker 店員

5. too much 太多 6. Mother’s Day 母親節

7. wait a minute 等一下 8. pay for 付錢

9. change one’s life 改變某人的生活

10. go out 出去 11. online shopping 網上購物

12. one day 一天 13. no one 沒有人

14. at any time 在任何時候 15. because of 由於

16. the price of… ...的價格 17. one of… …中的一個

18. save money 省錢 19. and so on 等等

20. shopping list 購物單


1. What can I do for you? 我能幫你做些什麼?

2. I'd like to buy a T-shirt for my mum. 想為我媽媽買件T恤衫。

3. Can I help you? 我能幫你嗎?

4. There's a sale on today. Everything is half price. 今天有打折活動,所有東西都是五折。

5. What colour does she like? 她喜歡什麼顏色?

6. What size does she take? 她穿多大碼?

7. ---May I try it on? ---Certainly. ---我能試穿一下嗎?---當然可以。

8. I'll take it. 我買它了!

9. I'd like some sausages. 我想買些香腸。

10. How much are they? 多少錢?

11. What else would you like? 你還想要些什麼?

12. Here's fifty-nine yuan. 這是59元。

13. There are many new ways of shopping, and online shopping is one of them. 現在有很多種新型的購物方式,而網上購物就是其中一種。

14. Then you receive it a few days later by post. 幾天後你就會通過郵寄的方式收到它(你買的物品)。

15. Online shopping has several advantages. First, ...Second, …Third, … 網上購物有幾個優點。首先,......其次,...... 再次,......

16. Shopping usually takes a lot of time. 去實體店購物通常需要花很多時間。

17. But to shop on the Internet you only need a computer and a mouse! 但是在網上購物,你只需要一臺電腦和一個鼠標。

18. But many people like going out and shopping with friends. 但是許多人喜歡和朋友一起外出逛街購物。

19. Also paying over the Internet isn't always safe. 而且網上付款也並不總是安全的。

20. Online shopping is changing our way of life. 網上購物正在改變我們的生活方式。

21. One day no one will go to the shops any more, because you'll be able to buy anything on the Internet, and you will be able to receive it anywhere in the world at any time! 有一天將沒有人再去商店購物,因為你能在網上買到任何東西,並且在全世界的各個地方和任何時間你都可以收到商品。

Module6 Around Town


1. get to 到達 2. on the left 在左邊

3. in front of 在…的前面 4. near here 在這附近

5. the way to 去…的路 6. over there 在那裡

7. turn left 向左轉 8. take the underground 乘地鐵

9. get off 下車 10. begin with 以…開始

11. the middle of ……的中間 12. from home to school 從家到學校

13. on the map 在地圖上 14. on a clear day 在晴朗的一天

15. next to 緊挨著 16. post office 郵局

17. at the cinema 在電影院 18. at the end of the street 在路的盡頭

19. bus stop 公共汽車站


1. Betty and Lingling are standing in front of Tian'anmen Square.


2. Can you tell me the way to Wangfujing Dajie?


3. Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium?


4. Go across Dong Chang’an Jie, go along the street and turn left at the third street on the left.


5. Is there a bookshop near here? 這附近有書店嗎?

6. How can I get there? 怎麼才能到達呢?

7. Why not ask the policeman over there? 為什麼不問問那邊的警察呢?

8. Take the Underground to the Olympic Sports Centre, or you can take a bus or a taxi.


9. Have a nice day! 祝你玩的愉快!

10. Welcome to this short tour of London. 歡迎參加倫敦短程遊。

11. We’re standing opposite the National Gallery, a famous museum with lots of famous paintings.


12. The Queen lives there. (英國)女王就住在這裡。

13. It takes you 135 metres above the River Thames.


14. You can see most of London on a clear day.


15. When you are tired, the best way to see London is by boat.


16. As you go along the river, the London Eye is on your right.


17. It’s over 900 years old. 它已有九百多年的歷史。

18. After visiting the Tower of London, take the boat back along the river to the railway station.


19.You’re now back at the square. And this is where we’ll finish our tour.


Module7 My past life


1. primary school 小學 2. the name of… ……的名字
3. be born 出生 4. in England 在英格蘭
5. in Shanxi Province 在山西省 6. quite difficult 非常困難
7. on the east coast of America 在美國東海岸
8. twelve years ago 12年前 9. lots of things to do 許多要做的事情
10. last year 去年 11. last weekend 上週末
12. from…to… 從…到…


1. Where were you born? 你在哪裡出生?

2. I was born in… 我出生在……

3. What was the name of the village? 那個村莊叫什麼?

4. What was the name of your first school?


5. Who was your first teacher? 你的第一位老師是誰?

6. She was very friendly. 她非常友好。

7. Who were your first friends? 你最早的朋友是誰呢?

8. What were they like? 他們當時是怎樣的?

9. What were you like? 你當時是怎樣的?

10. There were lots of things to do in Quincy.


11. I was very happy there. 我在那裡非常快樂。

12. There was a big living room with a TV, a kitchen, a bathroom and three bedrooms.


13. On my bedroom walls there were pictures of my favourite movie stars.


14. Behind the house, there was a big garden with lots of trees and there was a small lake with fish in it. It was great to play there. 房子後面有一個大花園,花園裡有很多樹,還有一個小湖裡面有魚。在那裡玩耍真好。

15. Many of them were my friends.


16. I was there for the last time in 2010.


17. One day I’ll go back, and I’m looking forward to seeing my friends again.


Module8 Story time


1. once upon a time 從前 2. in the forest 在森林裡
3. look into 向…裡面看去 4. knock on the door 敲門
5. a girl with hair of gold 一個留著金色頭髮的女孩
6. push the door 推開門 7. go for a walk 去散步
8. pick up 撿起,拾起 9. pick some flowers 摘一些花
10. look around 環視,四下張望 11. in pieces 破碎
12. at first 首先,最初 13. sit down 坐下
14. point at 指著 15. walk into the bedroom 走進臥室
16. jump out of bed 跳下床 17. be asleep 睡著
18. go home 回家 19. change into 變成…
20. again and again 一遍又一遍 21. around the world 全世界
22. begin with 以…開始


1. All alone in the dark forest, Goldilocks picked some flowers.


2. And soon she was lost. 不久她迷路了。

3. Then she noticed a little house, so she hurried towards it, and knocked on the door.


4. Nobody answered, so she knocked again, and again.


5. It was open. There was nobody there. 門開了,裡面沒人。

6. On a table there were three bowls with some nice food in them.


7. The little bowl was just right. She finished all the food in it.


8. First she tried the big chair, but wasn’t comfortable.


9. It was not comfortable either. 它也不舒服。

10. Soon the chair was in pieces. 那把椅子一會兒就散架了。

11. Very soon she was asleep in it. 很快她就在小床上睡著了。

12. There’s nothing in my bowl. 我的碗空了。

13. He wasn’t very happy! 他很不高興。

14. Then Baby Bear pointed at the little girl in his bed.


15. Goldilocks jumped out of bed and hurried out of the house without her basket.


Module9 Life history


1. at the age of 在…歲時 2. Spring Festive 春節
3. Teacher’s Day 教師節 4. be different from 與…不同
5. Women’s Day 婦女節 6. find out 發現
7. National Day 國慶節 8. on the Internet 在網上
9. Children’s Day 兒童節 10. as well 也
11. New Year’s Day 新年 12. leave school 離開學校
13.May Day/Labour Day 勞動節 14. in many other languages 用許多其他的語言
15. half an hour 半小時 16. half past five 五點半
17. be worth doing 值得做 18. get married 結婚


1. I’m writing about him for my English class.


2. We can find out about him on the Internet.


3. He left school and began work at the age of 12.


4. What did he do? 他做過什麼?

5. I don’t know the exact date. 我不知道確切的日期。

6. But he took the name Mark Twain and became very famous in the 1860s.


7. Like many people four hundred years ago, Shakespeare’s parents didn’t learn to read or write.


8. At school he liked plays, so he decided to be an actor when he finished school at 14.


9. He became a successful actor and began to write plays.


10. You can visit the theatre today, but it isn’t the same building.


11. There was a fire in the old theatre. 老劇院發生過火災。

12. William Shakespeare died at the age of 52.


13. You can still see his plays in English and in many the languages.


14. He’s famous around the world. 他舉世聞名。

Module10 A holiday journey


1. go there 去那裡 2. drive us to their home 開車帶我們去他們家
3. go swimming 去游泳 4. get there 到那兒
5. movie star 電影明星 6. a special holiday 一個特殊的假期
7. at the airport 在機場 8. Pacific Ocean 太平洋
9. this year 今年 10. have a good time 玩得高興
11. be with sb. 和某人一起 12. on holiday 度假
13. by plane 坐飛機 14. such as 例如
15. the day before yesterday 前天 16. take a walk 散步
17. begin our tour of the city 開始這個城市的旅行
18. the Eiffel Tower 埃菲爾鐵塔
19. many world-famous works of art 許多世界著名的藝術品
20. first of all 首先 21. wait in line 排隊等候

22. at the station 在車站 23. do different things 做不同的事情
24. spend all day 花整天時間 25. take lots of photos 照許多照片
26. go with sb. 與某人一起去


1. —Where are you going on holiday, Tony?


—To Los Angeles. 去洛杉磯。

2. I went there two years ago and enjoyed it a lot.


3. How long did it take to get there? 你花了多長時間去那裡?

4. Then our friends met us and drove us to their home.


5. Who was with you? 你和誰一起去的?

6. So what did you do? 那你們都做了些什麼呢?

7. Guess what? 你猜怎麼著?

8. I was so excited! 我太激動了!

9. How long did you stay there? 你們在那裡呆了多久?

10. We stayed there for two days. 我們在那裡呆了兩天。

11. Jenny and I arrived by plane the day before yesterday.


12. We were tired so we relaxed at home and began our tour of the city yesterday.


13. It has many world-famous works of art, such as the Mona Lisa.


14. This morning we took a walk. 今天上午我們去散步了。

15. We also did some shopping. I bought a present for you. I hope you’ll like it!


16. There were lots of tourists, so first of all, we had to wait in line for an hour, and then we went to the top. We waited till all the lights were on. 有很多遊客,所以我們得排隊等一個小時,後來我們到了塔頂。我們在那兒一直等到所有的燈都亮了起來。

17. Tomorrow we’re going to visit a famous palace and take a boat tour on the River Seine.


18. I’ll write again. 我會再給你寫郵件的。

Module11 Body language


1. body language 肢體語言 2. touch noses 碰鼻子
3. nod head 點頭 4. best friend 最好的朋友
5. shake hands 握手 6. film star 電影明星
7. each other 互相 8. foreign students 外國學生
9. in fact 事實上 10. stand close to 站得離......近
11. be late for class 上課遲到 12. move away 離開,搬走
13. eat candy 吃糖果 14. be careful 小心
15. class rules 班規 16. listen to 聽
17. stand in line 站成一排 18. enter the lab alone 獨自進入實驗室
19. on time 準時,按時 20. hold on to 抓緊,堅持


1. I’m welcoming the visitors.


2. How do I do that? 我該怎麼做呢?

3. I didn’t know that. 我(原來)可不知道。

4. We Chinese often shake hands and smile when we meet visitors, and sometimes we nod our heads. 我們中國人見到來訪者的時候經常握手、微笑,有時候點頭示意。

5. That’s because people do different things in different countries.


6. Our new foreign students are going to arrive very soon, and here are some ways to welcome them. 我們的外國新生很快就要到了。下面是迎接他們的一些方式。

7. How close do you stand when you talk to a friend?


8. But don’t stand too close to… 但是不要站的離……太近!

9. Give them more personal space. 給他們更多的個人空間。

10. How about touching people? 那麼關於身體接觸呢?

11. Chinese girls often walk arm in arm with their friends.


12. But in Britain many people don’t like other people to touch them at all.


13. In some places, it isn’t polite to look at people when they talk, but in other countries it isn’t polite to look somewhere else. 在一些地區,交談時看著對方是不禮貌的,但在另外一些國家,交談時看別的地方是不禮貌的。

14. And how do you say goodbye? That’s easy. Wave to say goodbye.


15. In Greece, it’s not at all polite! In fact, it’s very rude!


Module12 Western music


1. Beijing Opera 京劇 2. the capital of Austria 奧地利首都
3. think about 認為,考慮 4. pop music 流行音樂
5. Western Music 西方音樂 6. dance to 隨著…跳舞
7. the center of …的中心 8. European classical music 歐洲古典音樂
9. on the river 在…河畔
10. hundreds of wonderful pieces of music 數以百計的美妙的樂曲
11. play music 演奏音樂
12. traditional music 傳統音樂 13. take place 發生
14. at the same time 同時 15. watch it on TV 在電視上觀看
16. types of music 音樂的類型 17. the rest of 其餘的...
18. in the last ten years 在過去的十年裡 19. at that time 在那時


1. This is Western music, isn’t it?


2. —Is this by Strauss or Mozart?


—It’s by Strauss.


3. Do you know anything about him?


4. What a beautiful city! 多麼美麗的城市!
5. This is called The Blue Danube.

6. It goes through Vienna. 它流經維也納。

7. Listen to this fantastic voice. 你聽這絕妙的嗓音。

8. I’m a fan of rock music. 我是一個搖滾樂迷。

9. Give us a break! 讓我們清淨一會吧!(饒了我們吧!!)

10. It’s so noisy! And much too fast! 太吵了!而且節奏太快了。

11. I don’t believe it! 我簡直無法相信!

12. Vienna is a beautiful old city on the River Danube in the centre of Europe.


13. The father, Johann Strauss the elder, wrote and played music for traditional dances,

called the waltz. 父親老約翰•斯特勞斯創作並演奏一種叫華爾茲的古典舞曲。

14. His dance music made him famous all over Europe. 他的舞曲讓他聞名於歐洲。

15. He wrote over 150 waltzes.

16. Mozart was another very important composer.


17. Before he was six, he played not only the piano but also the violin.


18. His family took him around Europe and he gave concerts in many cities.


19. He wrote hundreds of wonderful pieces of music.


20. But he became very poor and died in 1791 when he was only 35.


21. Like Johann Strauss, father and son, he was a great European musician, and many people still think his music is perfect. 像約翰•斯特勞斯父子倆一樣,它是一位偉大的歐洲音樂家。現在許多人依然認為他的音樂是完美的。
