

我们用这幅由Sofonisba Anguissola创作的女士肖像继续妇女历史月。好好享受吧!索福尼斯巴是一位意大利文艺复兴时期的画家,出生在克雷莫纳一个相对贫穷的贵族家庭。她接受了包括美术在内的全面教育,她与当地画家的学徒生涯开创了女性被接受为艺术学生的先例。年轻时,安吉索拉去过罗马,在那里她被介绍给米开朗基罗,米开朗基罗立即认识了她的才华,并在米兰画了阿尔巴公爵。西班牙瓦洛瓦女王伊丽莎白是一位热衷于业余绘画的人,1559年,安吉索拉被招募到马德里担任她的家庭教师,级别为侍女。后来,她成为国王菲利普二世(Philip II)的官方宫廷画家,并调整了自己的风格,以适应西班牙宫廷对官方肖像的更正式要求。女王去世后,菲利普帮助她安排了一场贵族婚姻。她搬到了西西里,后来搬到了比萨和热那亚,在那里她继续作为一名领先的肖像画家练习。她最有特色和最吸引人的画作是她自己和家人的肖像画,这些画是她搬到西班牙宫廷之前画的。尤其是她对儿童的描绘是新鲜的,受到了密切的观察。在西班牙法庭上,她以盛行的官方风格绘制了正式的国家肖像画。在后来的生活中,她还画了宗教题材,尽管她的许多宗教绘画已经丢失。1625年,她在巴勒莫去世,享年93岁。

We continue Women's History Month with this portrait of a lady, created by Sofonisba Anguissola. Enjoy!

Sofonisba was an Italian Renaissance painter born in Cremona to a relatively poor noble family. She received a well-rounded education that included the fine arts, and her apprenticeship with local painters set a precedent for women to be accepted as students of art. As a young woman, Anguissola traveled to Rome where she was introduced to Michelangelo, who immediately recognized her talent, and to Milan, where she painted the Duke of Alba. The Spanish queen Elizabeth of Valois was a keen amateur painter, and in 1559 Anguissola was recruited to go to Madrid as her tutor, with the rank of lady-in-waiting. She later became an official court painter to the king, Philip II, and adapted her style to the more formal requirements of official portraits for the Spanish court. After the queen's death, Philip helped arrange an aristocratic marriage for her. She moved to Sicily, and later Pisa and Genoa, where she continued to practice as a leading portrait painter.

Her most distinctive and attractive paintings are her portraits of herself and her family, painted before she moved to the Spanish court. In particular her depictions of children were fresh and closely observed. At the Spanish court she painted formal state portraits in the prevailing official style. In later life, she also painted religious themes, although many of her religious paintings have been lost. In 1625, she died at age ninety-three in Palermo.