Opera BOMBANA超值午間商務套餐煥新迴歸

復工之際,整個城市都在猛力追趕時間,美食總能以它獨有的力量慰藉身心。一段精緻又對味的午餐時光,是百忙之中的最佳解藥,亦是一天之中最值得回味的高光時刻。無論何時,Opera BOMBANA始終致力於將高水準的星級美食帶給食客,298元三道式(開胃菜/意麵/主菜/甜品,任選三類)及338元四道式(開胃菜/意麵/主菜/甜品,各一道)超值午市商務套餐煥新迴歸!願珍美的餚饌和妥帖的服務,能夠緩解疲憊,為您的一天持續蓄力!

As the city comes back to life and work returns to its frenetic normal pace, taking time out of your day to relax and enjoy a delicious meal is more important than ever. Luckily, Opera BOMBANA's signature business lunch is back, offering you the perfect excuse to relax over a three course for RMB 298 (Appetizer/Pasta/Main Course/Dessert, choose any three kinds) or four course for RMB 338 (Appetizer/Pasta/Main Course/Dessert, one for each kind) lunch.

落地窗邊的明媚陽光;瑪麗蓮的萬種風情,美景如斯,值得你配上佳釀細細品味。Opera BOMBANA超值午市套餐加108元即可搭配一杯2016年灰皮諾乾白葡萄酒或加138元搭配一杯2015年珠簾紅葡萄酒。

While away the afternoon with a glass of wine and enjoy the sun streaming through our floor-to-ceiling windows. Add RMB 108 to the price of your lunch menu to enjoy a glass of 2016 Pinot Grigio or add RMB 138 to enjoy a glass of 2015 Barbera.


Prosciutto Di Parma Addobbo

Accompanied With Cantaloupe

菜品僅供參考 Dish only for reference

從原料選用到製作工藝都頗為精細考究的帕爾瑪火腿,似乎成了鑑定意大利餐廳是否正宗的標準。Opera BOMBANA的帕爾馬火腿如粉紅玫瑰般色澤嫩紅,口感細膩柔軟,又帶有煙燻的悠長和果實的馥郁,搭配水潤甘甜的蜜瓜,鹹鮮脂香令人回味無窮。

With its strict standards for the selection of raw materials and elaborate production process, Prosciutto di Parma has become a symbol of premium Italian ingredients. Sweet and juicy cantaloupe melon offers the perfect contrast to the intensely salty ham.


Pesto Linguine “Verrigni”

Traditional Pesto Sauce And Fava Beans

菜品僅供參考 Dish only for reference

當松子邂逅新鮮的羅勒葉,盎然的羅勒醬便是意大利傳承了幾載的味蕾魔法,芳香四溢的羅勒醬是意大利人家常最愛的醬料,它不僅鮮香濃郁更能夠提神。這樣令人垂涎的醬料搭配Opera BOMBANA手工自制扁面,馥郁香濃,口感勁道,入口軟糯的蠶豆又不失咀嚼的趣味。

Pesto is one of the “mother sauces” of Italian cuisine, beloved for its heady basil scent and bright green colour. Paired with handmade linguine and fresh broad beans, it makes the perfect spring dish.


Spring ChickenRoasted, Served With Sautéed Rosemary Potatoes And Mushrooms

菜品僅供參考 Dish only for reference

這道香烤春雞,皮薄脂肪少, 肉質細嫩多汁,主廚加入迷迭香等香料進行烤制,直至外皮微焦、內裡鮮嫩多汁。光鮮油亮的春雞,肉質鮮嫩 , 富含豐富蛋白質, 是不想攝入過多碳水食客們的不二之選。迷迭香的淡淡清香,渾身輕飄飄的療愈效果,治癒你工作中疲乏的身心。

This dish is emblematic of spring, using high-quality, seasonal produce simply cooked to preserve its natural character. Roasting gives the chicken crispy, golden skin, while ensuring that the meat stays tender and juicy. Rosemary infused potatoes make it a filling lunch, while mushrooms add a note of umami.



Selection Of Imported CheeseServed With Orange Confettura And Red Onion Reduction (Kindly Ask Our Floor Members To Introduce You Today's Selection)

完美的味覺之旅將以甜蜜的滋味收尾,Opera BOMBANA每日精選芝士搭配果香充沛的橙子醬,奶香濃郁包裹著柑橘的陣陣清甜,剛好沖淡生活中的繁忙,而洋蔥醬和芝士的百般搭配,是主廚帶給您的完滿驚喜。

The perfect end to a meal for those who want something a little sweet but not a full dessert. A changing selection of the finest cheeses is accompanied by red onion reduction and an orange jam, which adds a note of bitterness.

Opera BOMBANA超值午間商務套餐菜單

Opera BOMBANA Business Lunch Menu

Opera BOMBANA超值午市套餐中,不乏融入了多款極富代表性的經典菜品。一碗洋薊湯果腹,溫婉而醇香;意式扁面配牛肉醬,地中海香料將盤中美饌襯托得愈發讓人留戀;遴選和牛牛裡脊配百里香牛肉汁 ,亦是令人食指大動。豐富的菜品、隨心的搭配,而用餐體驗不打折,快來Opera BOMBANA隨享精緻的午間韶光吧!

The great-value lunch menu also features a number of Italian classics and Opera BOMBANA signature dishes, including homemade pasta with rich beef ragu and grilled Wagyu beef tenderloin with thyme-scented jus.

靈動清新的春季隨之而來,Opera BOMBANA團隊將繼續做好防護工作,為您帶來舒心安全的就餐環境和時令的春季美味。Opera BOMBANA營業時間已調整至午餐12:00 - 14:30,晚餐17:30 - 22:00。我們期待與您的相遇!

Spring has arrived and everything is reviving. We are keeping safeguarding eveyone's health by adopting the government measures. Bringing the safe and comfortable dining environment, and delightful food to you. The business hours of Opera BOMBANA are adjusted, lunch 12:00 - 14:30, dinner 17:30 - 22:00.

餐廳實用信息 Info & Contacts




電話 : 010-56907177

地址:中國北京市朝陽區東大橋路9號Parkview Green芳草地地下二層21號單元




Opening Hours

Lunch: 12:00-14:30

Dinner: 17:30-22:00

Tel: 010-56907177

Address:LG2-21 Parkview Green FangCaoDi, No. 9 Dongdaqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China 100020

For reservations and general enquiries:


Events and private dining



「Opera BOMBANA」意大利餐廳位於北京僑福芳草地,是名廚 Bombana對現代意式餐廳的個人詮釋,旨在呈現地道的意大利美食及輕鬆高雅的用餐體驗,為北京的饕客帶來口腹之歡。餐廳提供新鮮烘焙的麵包,意大利麵包大師Giuliano Pediconi以專業的指導,使用最好的意大利麵粉和自然酵母發酵,在專業廚師的精雕細琢後新鮮出爐可供您在餐廳享用或帶回家品嚐。酒單以意大利產區為主,精選世界各地的葡萄酒,儲藏於具備靈敏溼度和溫度控制設備的玻璃塔酒櫃中,以保證最佳口感。

“Opera BOMBANA” is Three Michelin Starred Maestro Chef Umberto Bombana the personal interpretation of a modern, yet refined Italian restaurant with a fresh open bakery, aiming to bring Italian cuisine with authentic flavors and an elegant, relaxing dining experience to food lovers in Beijing.

Crafted along with Master Baker Giuliano Pediconi’s expertise and consultancy, the bread is created with the finest Italian flour, through a natural fermentation process and freshly baked in ovens by professional artisans. “Opera BOMBANA” also represents the perfect spot to enjoy evening breaks both in terrace and bar, and informal meetings with a wide array of freshly baked delicacies to be consumed to taken away.