Show your face 露面

Show one's face 的意思是“在公共場合露面、露臉”,儘管有時你不受歡迎。


How dare you show your face in this restaurant after having left without paying last time you ate here!I don't really want to go to that party. I'm just going to show my face and then leave.

請注意,短語 put on a brave face的意思是“扮出一副勇敢面孔,裝出若無其事的樣子”。


Mr Jones put on a brave face in spite of having been made redundant from his job of 20 years.The British have a reputation for putting on a brave face even in times of war.


Holi, the annual Hindu festival, is celebrated in Spring across India. It is also known as the festival of colours or the festival of love. During the festival, people throw scented coloured powder and perfume at each other. Nowadays, Holi is celebrated as a social event in many parts of the world.

侯麗節 Holi,是印度每年春季中的一個重要節日。它也被認為是“色彩的節日”和“愛的節日”。在節日中,歡慶的人們相互投擲帶有香味的、五顏六色的彩漆和香水。現如今,世界很多地區都會把侯麗節當作一個社交文化活動來共同參與慶祝。


in spite of 儘管be made redundant 解僱hindu 英 ['hindu:; 'hin'du:] 美 ['hindu:; 'hin'du:] n. 印度教教徒;印度人 adj. 印度教(或教徒)的scented 英 ['sentɪd] 美 ['sɛntɪd] adj. 有香味的;有氣味的;灑了香水的 v. 嗅;使充滿…氣味;察覺(scent的過去分詞)