Amazing China 跟著BBC每天學點翻譯之蜀南竹海(二)



Bamboo is the most rare renewable resource in the mountains areas. They are surrounded by cloud all year round. In summer, you can see green everywhere, and in winter, everything turns white. There is a bamboo scenery, mountains and rivers, lakes, ancient temples as well as countless streams overflowing from this bamboo sea. These streams tumble from cliff edges creating a magnificent scene.


可再生資源 renewable resource

難得的,稀少的,罕見的 rare

雲霧繚繞 surrounded by cloud

銀裝素裹 everything turns white

竹景 a bamboo scenery

擠滿,溢出 overflow

翻滾而下 tumble

懸崖邊 the cliff edges