

All goals are dark, only action and light!


Every word you say is like a slap in the face, I take the pain.


The weak must wait for an opportunity, the strong must make an opportunity, and the wise must grasp it.


Life is only three days, live in yesterday's confusion;Those who live for tomorrow wait;He is surest who lives today.


Cannot extricate oneself, besides the tooth still has love.


The hero does not ask the way out, the rascal does not look at the age


When I was young, happiness was simple;Grow up, simple is a happy thing.


What's the matter with you? Say it to cheer you up


Pressure is not someone who works harder than you, but someone who works several times harder than you.


Remember that you don't live for others, you live for yourself.


The stage is as big as the heart.


Struggle will progress, struggle will have results, struggle will be successful.
