Focus on the present 專注於當下


Do you find yourself regretting about the past and worrying about the future?
Do you feel like you're not having the best time of your life at present?

Focus on the positive

A lot of us neglect to enjoy and appreciate the present because we are either too busy working and preparing for the future, or we can't let go and move on from our past.
As such, we live our present with anxiety and stress or worry and regret. We fail to do our best in living the most of the present.


When we live regretting the past and worrying about the future, we tend to become unhappy and ungrateful of our present-day. It gives us reason to focus on what we don't have instead of being grateful of what we do have.
When we don't know how to live in the present, we fail to give our best in what we do which drowns us to complaining on the things that we don't like instead of rejoicing on what we like.

Focus on goals

The worse thing that happens when we don't know how to enjoy the present is that we develop a negative attitude. We become irritable, complainer, unpleasant and stressed. Throughout the day, what we focus to see, think and say are all negative things.


As such, people find it difficult and depressing to deal with us. Our negative attitude shows in our aura, body and facial expression. It becomes part of our habit and then eventually, becomes part of who we are.

Focus on what matters

“Today is life – the only life you are sure of. Make the most of today.”by Dale Carnegie.
Today, the present, is the only sure day we have, so why live it with regret, worry, negative thinking and ungratefulness?

你是否後悔過去,擔心未來? 你覺得你現在沒有享受人生中最美好的時光嗎? 很多人忽略了享受當下,欣賞當下,因為我們要麼忙於工作,為未來做準備,或不能放開過去,不能繼續前進。 因此,我們帶著焦慮和壓力,或是擔心和遺憾過著現在的生活。我們沒有盡最大努力過好現在的生活。
當我們過著後悔過去和擔心未來的生活,我們就會不快樂,也不會感激現在的生活。它給了我們理由去專注於我們沒有的東西,而對現在擁有的不懂得感激。 當我們不懂得如何活在當下,那我們就無法專注於令自己喜歡的事情,而沉溺於抱怨做那些自己不喜歡的事情。
發生更糟糕的事情時我們不懂得如何享受當下,會滋生出消極心態,我們變得易怒,抱怨,不愉快和有壓力感。 一整天裡,我們所看到的,所思考的,和所說的都是消極的 。

今天就是生活——你唯一能確定的生活。好好充分利用今天。 --戴爾•卡耐基