Vincent Van Duysen Architects

該項目在住宅環境中保留了很強的建築品質。雕塑性的建築方法與房屋主人收藏的一系列抽象表現主義藝術品形成了呼應,來自 Gavin Turk, Carl Andre, Gerhard Richter, Jef Verheyen和Wade Guyton等全球藝術家的作品點綴在住宅的各個角落。

The project has strong architectural qualities within a residential apartment context. The sculptural architectonic approach corresponds to the Abstract Expressionist art collection of the owner. Works by international artists – such as Gavin Turk, Carl Andre, Gerhard Richter, Jef Verheyen and Wade Guyton – are dotted around the penthouse.

▼雕塑性的建築方法與房屋主人收藏的一系列抽象表現主義藝術品形成了呼應,the sculptural architectonic approach corresponds to the Abstract Expressionist art collection of the owner ©Koen Van Damme


The walls and floors are finished in the same material to a rigorous standard of detail for a sober and textural appearance. The material selection is a manifestation of the grey tones of the River Scheldt and its quayside, as well as referring to the Arte Povera movement, in which driftwood, metal, earth and concrete were used.

▼混凝土和粗糙的木材呼應了與斯凱爾特河及其周邊碼頭的景觀,the material selection is a manifestation of the grey tones of the River Scheldt and its quayside ©Koen Van Damme


From the beginning of the design process the width of the timber planks and the character of the concrete ceiling were integral to the entire project. This meant that all dimensions – of the walls, cupboards, and so on – were designed as multiples of the width of the timber planks used for the creation of the concrete ceiling. The central monolithic volume enclosing the fireplace is positioned in such a way that all surrounding spaces have a direct connection; however, they are also separable through use of full-height sliding doors, which makes the experience of the penthouse that of a single open space, divided by functional blocks (including for example kitchen storage, bathrooms, dressing room, toilets, fireplace and so on).

▼容納了壁爐的中央體塊,the central monolithic volume enclosing the fireplace ©Mark Seelen

▼廚房牆壁和櫥櫃覆蓋以木板,the walls and cupboards in the kitchen are covered with timber planks ©Koen Van Damme

▼洗手間和浴室,basin area and bathroom ©Koen Van Damme


The floor level of the entrance is slightly raised to match the height of the facing terrace. This intensifies the spaciousness and contributes to the separation between the public zone to the front and the private area at the back.

▼抬高的入口區,the raised floor level of the entrance ©Koen Van Damme


The private rooms provide a more intimate experience through the use of reclaimed timber planks to the ceiling and walls.

▼臥室,bedroom ©Koen Van Damme

▼木製牆壁和天花板細節,the ceiling and walls covered by timber planks ©Koen Van Damme

立體主義的方法還體現在住宅中的一些半固定家居中,例如廚房島、客廳的咖啡桌以及床後帶有滑入式電視屏的木質單元等。餐廳的古銅色長桌是由Vincenzo De Cotiis改裝而成的作品,為餐廳賦予了獨特的格調。透過餐廳的寬闊窗戶可以欣賞到遠處的大教堂以及安特衛普的天際線全景。

The Cubist approach also shows through the semi-fixed elements in the penthouse: the kitchen island, central coffee table in the living room, or the wooden blocks behind the beds with the slide-in television screen, for example. The elongated bronzed brass table is a specially altered piece by Vincenzo De Cotiis that creates a pronounced presence in the dining area, which enjoys the panoramic view of the Antwerp skyline with the cathedral behind.

▼餐廳擺放著古銅色長桌,the dining area, with the elongated bronzed brass table ©Koen Van Damme

▼餐廳視野,view from the dining room ©Koen Van Damme

▼平面圖,plan ©Vincent Van Duysen Architects