

Youth is limited, can not be spent in hesitation and wait and see.


We may meet many people in our life, sometimes we are going the same way, so we will go together for a period of time. Until we meet the person who we really want to spend the rest of our life with, we will leave the rest of our journey to this person.


Youth is a too hasty book, we with tears, read and read.


Your body is your lifelong baggage.The more excess baggage, the shorter the trip.


When a person is truly enlightened, he gave up the pursuit of the wealth of the external world, and began to pursue the real wealth of his inner world.


I have seen a rain is you have not seen I lost my way in the rain, for many years that you give the small umbrella has become very old.You said I was lost, you always smile don't believe, and you smile I believe everything.


I hope one day we become strangers, and then you know again.


Look at people with time and heart, not with eyes.


Young people love, maybe the way of love is wrong, but the intuition of love is always right.


Between time and reality, youth and beauty are as fragile as air-dried paper.