英語俚語習語學習27: window dressing


稱子英語俚語習語:window dressing

window dressing 粉飾;修飾外表

If you refer to something as window dressing, you are critical of it because it is done in order to create a good impression and to prevent people from realizing the real or more unpleasant nature of someone's activities. 表面功夫 [表不滿]


The measures seem to be mere window dressing that won't solve the problem.


We will see whether the'save our cities " campaign is for real or just window dressing.

我們要看看這次 “ 拯救我們的城市 ” 運動是認真的還是裝裝門面.

The measures are little more than window dressing that will fade fast once investors take a hard look at them.
