


原標題:‘When Can We Go to School?’ Nearly 300 Million Children Are Missing Class.





The coronavirus epidemic reached deeper into daily life across the world on Wednesday, with a sweeping shutdown of all schools in Italy and warnings of school closures in the United States, intensifying the educational upheaval of nearly 300 million students globally.

週三(3月4日)全世界範圍內新冠病毒(coronavirus epidemic)更加深刻地影響了人們的日常生活。隨著意大利所有學校大規模停課(shutdown)以及美國發出關閉學校(school closures)的警告,影響全球(globally)近3億學生的教育動盪(educational upheaval)加劇了。


1. epidemic /.epɪ'demɪk/



2. sweeping /'swipɪŋ/

adj. 大範圍的,影響廣泛的

sweeping reforms 全面改革

sweeping shutdown of all schools 全部學校大規模停課

3. “關閉學校”的名詞性表達方式:

shutdown of schools

school closure

4. intensify /ɪn'tensɪ.faɪ/

v. 加劇,增強

Fighting around the capital has intensified in the last few hours. 在過去幾個小時關於資本的爭奪不斷升級。

5. upheaval /ʌp'hiv(ə)l/

n. 劇變,激變,動盪

Wherever there is political upheaval, invariably there are refugees. 哪裡有政治動亂,哪裡就有一定有難民。

Only a few weeks ago, China, where the outbreak began, was the only country to suspend classes. But the virus has spread so quickly that by Wednesday, 22 countries on three continents had announced school closures of varying degrees, leading the United Nations to warn that “the global scale and speed of the current educational disruption is unparalleled.”

僅僅幾周前,疫情爆發地中國是唯一停課(suspend classes)的國家。但疫情爆發之迅速,截止到週三(3月4日),已有來自三個大洲的22個國家宣佈不同程度的關閉學校。聯合國(United Nations)發出警告,“目前的教育中止(educational disruption)從全球範圍和速度上來說是絕無僅有的(unparalleled)。”


suspend classes


shut down schools

2. so…that…引導結果狀語從句:


3. disruption /dɪs'rʌpʃən/


educational disruption是“學校停課”更官方更正式的表達方式。

4. unparalleled /ʌn'pærəleld/

adj. 無與倫比的,絕無僅有的,空前的

It was an unparalleled opportunity to develop her career. 這是她發展事業的絕好機會。

School and government officials have sought to keep children learning — and occupied — at home. The Italian government created a web page to give teachers access to videoconference tools and ready-made lesson plans. Mongolian television stations are airing classes. Iran’s government has made all children’s internet content free.

學校和政府官員設法讓孩子們在家學習,保證他們有事可做。意大利政府創建網頁為教師提供(give teachers access to)視頻會議工具以及現成的(ready-made)教案。蒙古通過電視臺播放課程(air classes)。伊朗政府免費為孩子們提供網絡學習內容。

1. seek /siːk/(sought-sought)

v. 尋求,尋找,試圖

They sought to reassure the public. 他們設法打消公眾的疑慮。

2. occupied /'ɔkjupaid/

adj. 使用中的,忙碌的(occupy的過去式及過去分詞)

短語:be occupied (in) doing

He's fully occupied looking after three small children. 照顧三個小孩把他忙得不可開交。

3. access /'ækses/

n. 通道,機會,權利

短語:have access to

Students must have access to good resources. 學生必須有機會使用好的資源。

4. air /eə/

v. 通風,透風,公開發表,播出

The show will be aired next Tuesday night. 這個節目將在下週二夜間播出。

Some interruptions are unavoidable. Posts on Chinese social media show teachers and students climbing onto rooftops or hovering outside neighbors’homes in search of a stronger internet signal. One family in Inner Mongolia packed up its yurt and migrated elsewhere in the grasslands for a better web connection, a Chinese magazine reported.

一些干擾因素不可避免(unavoidable)。從中國社交媒體發佈的信息上可以看到:老師和學生爬上屋頂或者在鄰居家附近徘徊,尋找更強的網絡信號(internet signal)。據中國某雜誌報道,內蒙古有一家人為了更好地網絡連接,不惜舉家搬遷,收拾好蒙古包遷移到草原上另外一個地方。

1. interruption /ɪntə'rʌpʃn/

n. 阻斷,打擾

Business will continue as usual, without interruption. 生意照常進行,沒有中斷。

2. unavoidable /ʌnə'vɒɪdəb(ə)l/

adj. 不可避免,難以預防的

Managers said the job losses were unavoidable. 經理們說裁員是不可避免的。

3. hover /'hɒvə/

v. 翱翔,躊躇,彷徨

He hovered nervously in the doorway. 他在門口緊張地來回踱步。

4. yurt /jʊət/

n. (蒙古遊牧民族居住的,用毛氈或獸皮搭起的) 圓頂帳篷,蒙古包

5. pack /pæk/

v. 包裝,收拾

短語:pack up

They packed up and went home. 他們打點行囊,回家了。

6. migrate /maɪ'greɪt/

v. 遷移,遷徙

Swallows migrate south in winter. 燕子在冬天遷徙到南方。

In some countries, older students have missed crucial study sessions for college admissions exams, while younger ones have risked falling behind in reading and math. Parents have lost wages, tried to work at home or scrambled to find child care. Some have moved children to new schools in areas unaffected by the coronavirus, and lost milestones like graduation ceremonies or last days of school.

在一些國家,高年級學生已經錯失了為大學入學考試(college admissions exams)做準備的關鍵(crucial)學習階段,而低年級學生則有在閱讀和數學能力上落後的危險。父母收入減少,試圖在家辦公或者爭相(scramble to)尋找兒童看護。有些家長已經把孩子轉移到未被新冠病毒感染的(unaffected)地區的新學校。學生也因此錯過了一些重要時刻(milestones),像畢業典禮或者學生生涯的最後時光。

1. crucial /'kruːʃ(ə)l/

adj. 決定性的;關鍵的;決斷的

短語:be crucial to

Parents play a crucial role in preparing their child for school. 父母對孩子做好上學的準備起著至關重要的作用。

2. session /'seʃ(ə)n/

n. 會議;(法庭的)開庭;(議會等的)開會;學年;一段時間

brainstorming session 集體討論會

The court is now in session. 法庭正在開庭。

3. admission /əd'mɪʃ(ə)n/

n. 准許進入;入場費, 入場券;承認, 供認

Admission by ticket only. 憑票入場。

4. scramble /'skræmb(ə)l/

v. 快速爬行, 匍匐前進;爭奪;艱難地(或倉促地)完成

People are scrambling to buy property before prices rise even further.


5. unaffected /ʌnə'fektɪd/

adj. 不受影響的;沒有改變的;自然的;不矯揉造作的;未被感染的

Her writing is very unaffected and easy to read. 她的文風自然平易。

6. milestone /'maɪlstəʊn/

n. 重要事件;重要階段;轉折點;里程碑

The opening of a branch in New York represented an important milestone for the company.



