故事:真實感人故事 第一百個客人


The peak time of noon has passed, the original crowded snack bar, the guests have been scattered, the boss is about to catch his breath to read the newspaper, someone came in. That's a granny and a little boy.


"How much is a bowl of beef soup?" Grandma sat down to take out the money bag to count the money, called a bowl of soup rice, hot soup rice. Grandma put the bowl in front of her grandson, and the little boy swallowed the mouth and looked at her and said, "Grandma, have you really had lunch?" Of course. Grandma chewed slowly with a radish pickle. At a glance, the little boy ate a bowl of rice.


The boss saw the picture and walked up to two people and said, "Old lady, congratulations, you're lucky today, your 100th guest, so it's free." 」


Then, more than a month later, the little boy crouched across the street from the snack bar as if he were counting something, scaring the boss, who had inadvertently looked out of the window.


The original little boy every time he saw a guest into the shop, put the little stone into the circle he painted, but the lunch time is almost over, the little stone is not even fifty.

心急如焚的老闆打電話給所有的老顧客 :「 很忙嗎?沒什麼事,我要你來吃碗湯飯,今天我請客。」像這樣打電話給很多人之後,客人開始一個接一個到來。「八十一,八十二,八十三......」小男孩數得越來越快了。終於當第九十九個小石子被放進圈圈的?

The anxious boss called all the old customers: "Are you busy? Nothing, I want you to come for a bowl of soup, today I invited." After calling a lot of people like this, the guests start to arrive one by one. "Eighty-one, eighty-two, eighty-three..." The little boy counted faster and faster. Finally when the ninety-ninth little stone was put into the circle?


At that moment, the little boy hurriedly took his grandmother's hand and entered the snack bar.


"Grandma, this time for my guests. The little boy said with some pride. The grandmother, who truly became the 100th guest, had her grandson entertain a bowl of hot beef soup. And the little boy, like his grandmother before, chewed in his mouth with a radish pickle.


"Send a bowl to the boy, too." The boss said without the heart.


"The little boy is now learning the truth that he will be full without eating!" The boss answered.


Snore...... The grandmother, who ate with relish, asked her grandson, "Do you want to leave some for you?"


Didn't expect the little boy but patted his little belly, said to grandma: "No, I am full, grandma you look..." 」


A good heart encourages a seedling,


A seedling can be turned into a forest,


Everyone has love and society has a feeling.

(翻譯 月下飛舞 Dancing under the moon)