奢飾口罩!蘭博基尼 轉向生產醫療口罩

當地時間4月1號 蘭博基尼宣佈,它將其在聖阿加塔博洛尼亞的生產工廠更改線體,以專注於生產外科醫用口罩和保護性醫用口罩以應對COVID-19的爆發。


以下是汽車公司蘭博基尼董事長兼首席執行官Stefano Domenicali的聲明:

"During an emergency such as this one, we feel the need to make a concrete contribution. We have therefore decided to support the Sant’Orsola-Malpighi Hospital, an institution with which we have had a collaborative relationship for years, through both professional consultancy in promoting programs to protect our workers’ health, and in research projects. We will win this battle together by working in union, supporting those who are at the forefront of fighting this pandemic every day.”
