

The paradox of man is that he desires to be understood, and afraid to be seen.


At the beginning of the time, always feel that the days are long, what have the opportunity, little do not know that life is subtraction, see side less side, the day is not long.


I am only afraid that the huge crowd is too vast for us to miss.

懂你的人 才配得上你的餘生。

The people who know you are worthy of the rest of your life.

有多少人故意賭氣關掉手機 ,忍不住打開後,發現什麼也沒有;自作多情以為自己在他心裡有多重要,到最後才發現自己原來是個笑話。別再傻了,人家根本不在乎你,你還是要多愛自己。

How many people turn off their mobile phones in a fit of pique, can't help but turn them on and find nothing; He thought he was too important in his heart, only to find that he was a joke. Don't be silly, people don't care about you, you still have to love yourself.


A man is at his best when his eyes are full of stories and his face is bare of dust.


Mistake is temporary regret but missing is the forever one.


If you have to wait for one day injured, think through, just think of my good, just want to be good to me, I don't care. I pay only once, you lost it.


Precious things are very few in this world. That is the reason there is just one you.


Don't tell the story easily, and leave it to the people who know you.


—— 喜歡勝過所有道理,原則抵不過我樂意;遇到喜歡的人,千萬不要騙自己啊 !

If he likes you, most of your temper is called personality; If he doesn't like you, even if you are as gentle as a cat, he thinks you lose your hair...

Love is better than all reason, principle is equal to but I like; When you meet someone you like, don't cheat yourself!


Lower your expectations,

reduce your dependence,

and you will live better.