
原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:tangerl 轉載請註明出處

It’s probably time to learn Chinese
Eric Meltzer
埃裡克 · 梅爾澤
For over a century, learning English has been one of the highest ROI things a non-English speaker could do. English went from being a language spoken by a few million people on an island to the the language of a world-spanning empire to a de-facto global language in a few centuries. I think, despite accusations of provincialism from polyglot Europeans, English is still by far the most useful language in the world and that being a monolingual English speaker isn’t the worst thing in the world. I say that as someone who loves learning languages; realistically, there are many interesting things to learn in the world and our time is pretty limited.
However, the benefits of learning Mandarin have grown a lot over the past two decades. We’re in a critical period where the demand for bilingual English/Mandarin speakers is extremely high from maturing Chinese institutions looking to go abroad, but the supply of those speakers remains relatively low. The world also seems to be moving from a unipolar America-led situation towards a bi-or-multipolar one where China assumes a lot more importance, so speaking Chinese is a good hedge in that sense.

Learning Mandarin has been one of the most rewarding I’ve ever done, up there with learning how to program.
Before I explain how to quickly learn Mandarin, here are a few explicit reasons why you may want to:
Important reasons
China is emerging from its copycat phase and is beginning to produce interesting technology and cultural products again.
· 中國正從山寨階段走出來,並開始再次生產有趣的技術和文化產品;
Almost as many people speak Mandarin as English; about 1.5 billion for each language. Very few Mandarin speakers also speak English. The oft-cited figure of 300 million english-speakers in China is laughable propaganda, and the true number is probably closer to 10 million, or less than 1% of the population.
· 說中文的人幾乎和說英語的人一樣多,大約各有約15億人;
· 說普通話的人很少會說英語,一個經常被引用的說法是,中國說英語的人口是3億,這是一個可笑的宣傳,真實的數字可能僅僅接近1000萬,或者說還不到總人口的1% ;
Fun reasons

The linguistic legacy of ancient Chinese imperial expansion is visible in Korean and Japanese, and to a lesser extent in Vietnamese . With no background in Japanese, you can read some menus, get the gist of newspaper articles, read most signage, and generally get around in Japan if you speak Chinese. Amusingly, you will be more able to understand sophisticated academic texts or ancient novels than modern stuff, since the influence of Chinese on the Japanese language peaked during the Tang dynasty.
· 中國古代帝國擴張的語言遺產在韓語和日語中非常突出,在越南語中也有所體現,只是程度較小。即使你沒有日語背景,如果你會說中文,你仍然可以看懂某些菜單,瞭解報紙文章的要點,看明白大部分標牌,一般情況下在日本四處走動不成問題。

The Chinese literary corpus (modern and ancient both) is huge, deep, and sparsely translated into English. It contains a lot of works that have no English equivalent, and a lot of philosophy that resembles the more practical of the Hellenistic philosophers who were interested in how to live a good life. You’ll gain access to a whole bunch of interesting material you otherwise would have no way to read.
· 中國文學語料庫 ( 現代的和古代的) ,規模龐大,內容深刻,英文譯本稀少,它包含了許多沒有英文版本的著作,以及許多類似於希臘哲學家的哲學,他們對如何過上美好的生活有著濃厚的興趣,但是更實際,你必然會接觸到一大堆有趣的資料,否則你將無法閱讀。
How to become fluent in Mandarin
If you can go to China, do so.
You can learn Chinese without moving to China. It will take longer, especially in the beginning — you can go from nothing to conversational a lot faster if you are immersed. Your pronunciation will also suffer if you don’t learn in China, and your vocabulary and diction may be a little bit less natural. It’s still doable and worthwhile though. If you can’t move to China, you can skip over this next section and I’ll discuss some ways to simulate immersion without actually being in China.
Specifically, go to Beijing, Shanghai, or Chengdu
Beijing is the central capital of the most centralized country on earth. The government is in Beijing, the best educational institutes are in Beijing, the movie industry is in Beijing, the art world is still largely centered in Beijing, Beijing is the startup hub of China, and Beijing is roughly tied with Shanghai as a financial hub. Modern Mandarin is based on the Beijing dialect, so if you learn Chinese in Beijing your accent will be considered easy to understand and “standard.” The inner city of Beijing (everything inside the 2nd ring road, and to a lesser extent everything inside the 3rd) is charming, liveable, and still has many of the courtyard houses and snaking alleyways that have made up the city since the Ming dynasty. Beijing (and modern Asian cities in general) is one of the most convenient places to live on the planet. Many business models that are marginal in American low-density cities are solid in ultra high-density Beijing: there are multiple profitable food-delivery startups, wash and fold laundry services are plentiful, there will be a grocery store, many restaurants, bars, and convenience stores within feet of wherever you live. The air pollution is bad, but a couple of good HEPA filters in your house eliminates more than 50% of your exposure, and going elsewhere during the winter eliminates another large chunk of it.

北京的內城 ( 二環以內以及三環以內 ) 是迷人的,宜居的,並且仍然有許多四合院和蜿蜒的小巷,這些都是明代以來的北京建築。
北京 ( 以及現代化的亞洲城市) 是地球上最適宜居住的地方之一。
空氣汙染很嚴重,但高效微粒空氣過濾器可以消除超過50% 的汙染,而在冬天去別的地方可以消除大部分的汙染。

The most accessible and easy way to go to China is to take a job teaching English. It’s also the absolute worst way to go there. It’s poorly paid, does nothing to advance your Chinese language skills, and ensures the people you will be in contact with through your job are people who specifically are paying to not speak Chinese with you. Here are some better options:
Go through your school
Most top colleges in the US have China study-abroad options. I’ve heard particularly good things about Middlebury, U.C. Berkeley, Stanford, Harvard, and Yale. Stanford has a very swanky center at Peking University which is cool. Harvard and Yale have the oldest Sinology programs in the country but that may be of limited importance to you if your goal is simply conversational fluency. U.C. Berkeley has the UCEAP program which, if your Chinese is good enough, lets you take normal classes at the “Harvard of China,” Peking University. The biggest disadvantage of going through your college is the temptation to hang out with other Americans. There’s something about immersion that seems to accelerate language learning in a nonlinear way, and it can be derailed by even a small amount of daily exposure to one’s mother language. If you think being disciplined about not speaking English will be an issue for you, a study-abroad program may not be ideal.

Get a job that allows you to work remotely
If you’re a freelancer, or if you work for a company that allows remote work, this is a great option. Although changes to the exchange rate and cost of living have made this less true than it once was, being paid in USD and spending RMB will enable you to live very comfortably even in first-tier cities. Compared to working at a Chinese company or going through a study-abroad program, your daily Mandarin exposure will be reduced, but you can still speak it during every non-working hour. If you’re a freelancer you can also start mixing in Chinese clients once your Mandarin improves.
Get a job with a Chinese company
If you speak no Mandarin, this will be difficult but definitely not impossible. If you have skills that are in demand, many Chinese companies are hiring and have official policies that state English should be spoken in the office. In reality you’ll find that English is rarely spoken, but while that won’t be good for your initial productivity, it will be awesome for generating immersion and helping you learn quickly.
Attend a Chinese university as a fulltime student

Set up your environment. Change your computer and smartphone language to Chinese. Download Sogou Pinyin, which is much better than the default Windows or Mac IME. Block Facebook and Twitter. Find a stream of Chinese TV and leave it on in your house whenever possible. Chinese TV is largely garbage but your brain will be absorbing the sounds in the background which is useful.
· 自建語境氛圍
更改你的電腦和智能手機語言為中文,下載搜狗拼音(比默認的 Windows 或 Mac 輸入法要好得多),屏蔽 Facebook 和 Twitter,找一臺能放中文節目的電視機,在家的時候儘可能把它開著,中國的電視很大程度上都是垃圾,但你的大腦會吸收背景中的聲音,這點很有用。
Set up The Loop. My friend coined this term for the system we used for acquiring and remembering new words in Chinese. You need a dictionary and a spaced-repetition flashcard app. Pleco is both, and much more: a truly venerable app that got its start as a Palm Pilot app almost twenty years ago. In the meantime it’s developed into one of the most powerful apps I’ve ever had the pleasure of using. The app itself and several good dictionary files for it are free — you pay for additional features as you need them. The handwriting recognition, main dictionary pack, and flashcard functionality are must-haves; the rest you can decide for yourself if you need or not. You’ll start the loop either by walking around China and drawing (not writing; at this stage you won’t know the correct order of strokes for characters, so just roughly draw what they look like) characters you don’t understand into Pleco. You can hit the [+] on any character card to add it to your flashcard deck. Pleco has a bunch of different flashcard modes, all of which are useful for different things. Do a mix of them every single night. Don’t be tempted to import any pre-made flashcard decks. Making your own deck from the words you actually encounter is way more effective. This simple practice will improve your vocabulary shockingly fast.
· 建立循環

你需要一本字典和一個帶記憶卡片的APP,Pleco這款APP既是字典,又是一款值得尊敬的應用程序,大約20年前它從Palm Pilot 發展起來,到現在,它已經發展成為我有幸使用過的最強大的APP之一。
Find conversational partners. I learned a lot of Mandarin from hanging out in a mandarin-speaking Linux tech support group on IRC. You can find conversational partners on Wechat, on IRC, on Weibo (“Chinese twitter”), Douban (no US equivalent! Interesting hipster-y site focused on books and music), or on dating apps like Momo or Tantan. Have “thick face skin,” the Chinese term for being shameless, and keep speaking even through your embarrassing mistakes. Add any words you have issues with to your flashcard loop. Try not to use any phrases you haven’t seen a native speaker use. You should start conversation practice way before you feel remotely ready for it, because it will ensure that the phrases you learn are those which native speakers actually use, rather than the fifty-year-old ones being taught in textbooks.
· 尋找對話夥伴
我從 IRC 上一個講中文的 Linux 技術支持小組中學到了很多中文知識,受益良多。
你可以在微信、 IRC、微博 (“中國推特”)、豆瓣 ( 美國沒有同類網站!一個很讚的流行網站專注於書籍和音樂 ) 上找到對話夥伴! 或者約會APP,如陌陌或探探等。
“臉皮厚”(thick face skin)很重要,即使你犯了令人尷尬的錯誤,也要堅持說下去。

Whatever you do, don’t underestimate the importance of tones. Many foreign speakers of Chinese have horrible tones or seem to think of them as an optional part of the language. They aren’t; they’re central to conveying meaning and you will sound permanently foreign if you don’t master them. The typical tonal learning curve is to go from barely even being able to hear the difference, to being able to hear it after about 4 months of practice, to being able to repeat it with some effort after another 4, and finally to having mostly correct tones after 6–8 months of total study. This assumes that you are paying tones the attention they deserve, and working hard to correct your mistakes.
Don’t waste time learning how to write characters, at least until you’re already conversational and can read fast. A lot of people seem to love the app Skritter, but I’d avoid it because it will just teach you how to write characters well, a skill which is not especially useful.
很多人似乎都喜歡 Skritter 這個APP,但我會避免使用它,因為它只會教你如何寫好字,而這種技能並不是特別有用。

原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:tangerl 轉載請註明出處
Alex Zito-Wolf
but the supply of those speakers remains relatively low
Do you have a source for this? English is currently taught as the second language in nearly every school in China, so I’m not sooo sure there is as much of a shortage as you claim.
—— 你有這方面的消息來源嗎? 目前,中國幾乎所有的學校都把英語作為第二語言來教授,所以我不太確定是否存在你所說的那種短缺。

Kayla Jo
I teach Chinese kids full immersion English via VIPKID. I converse with Chinese parents on the WeChat app. My 7 year old learns full immersion Chinese via a sister company lingo bus. So fun!
我通過 VIPKID 教授中國孩子完全沉浸式的英語,我在微信APP上與中國父母交談,我7歲的孩子通過 Lingo bus 完全沉浸式的學習中文,太有趣了!