


“It used to be million, then it was billion, now it's trillion”

*used to:曾經、過去


“I’ve never signed anything with a 'T' on it. I don't know if we can handle this one. We can't chicken out at this point, can we?”

① T: 指 Trilliion(萬億) 的首字母

② chicken out:臨陣退縮

③ at this point: 在這一時刻(=at this moment)






這位名叫Russ 的網友說:Why? Why is his signature so big? Why, god, why?(為什麼特朗普的簽名這麼大,為什麼?老天,為什麼?)

《哈利·波特》作者 JK Rowling 曾經引用過一段話來評價特朗普的字:


1. “Large writing means that we are before an arrogant person, conceited, haughty, who needs to exhibit tyrant tendencies, exhibitionist and phony personality.”

① arrogant: /ˈærəɡənt/ adj.傲慢的

② conceited: /kənˈsiːtɪd/ adj. 自負的、驕傲自大的

③ haughty: /ˈhɔːti/ adj.傲慢的、自大的

④ tyrant: /ˈtaɪrənt/ n.暴君

⑤ exhibitionist:/ˌeksɪˈbɪʃənɪst/ n. 喜歡出風頭的人

⑥ phony: /ˈfəʊni/ adj.虛偽的


2. "When the signature is larger than the text, this reflects pride, consciousness of self-value and on the negative side it shows the individual has more ambitions than real possibilities.”

① consciousness: /ˈkɒnʃəsnəs/ n. 意識

② on the negative side: 從負面意義來看

③ ambition: n.野心


字體學家 Michelle Dresbold 在她的書《Sex, lies, and handwriting》裡對特朗普的簽名總結了三點,說得不錯:

1. his check-mark-like stroke, indicates that Trump has explosive anger and a very bad temper.

① check-mark:即對號√

② stroke: n.筆劃

③ explosive: adj.爆炸的


2. Mr. Trump’s angular writing with minimal curves shows up in the signatures of “workaholics who are sharp-minded, competitive, hostile, aggressive, determined, driven, rigid and uptight.”

①angular: /ˈæŋɡjələ(r)/ adj.有稜有角的

②minimal: /ˈmɪnɪməl/ adj.最小限度的

③workaholic: /ˌwɜːkəˈhɒlɪk/ n.工作狂


3. His signature is completely unreadable and when a signature is indecipherable, it says the writer wants to keep his feelings hidden from the public and does not want his true self revealed

①indecipherable: /ˌɪndɪˈsaɪfrəbl/ adj.無法破譯的、難以辯識的(in+de+cipher+able)

② one's true self:真我


Donald Trump


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