「財報聽力訓練營|第十二期」DAY 10-星巴克外賣服務


DAY 10 原文



R.J. Hottovy: Thanks, and thanks for letting me get a question in here. Just one follow-up question for Roz and you kind of hinted on this on the last answer, but one area we haven't heard a lot about is that delivery program. And obviously you've been working with some new restaurant formats and developing that, but just wanted to see if you could provide us an update in terms of where that initiative stands and what takeaways you've had. Obviously you've shared some takeaways from the China in terms of attach rates and new customer growth, but just any takeaways you've seen with the delivery program so far in the US?

謝謝,謝謝你讓我在這裡提問題。只有一個對 Roz 的後續問題。你在最後一個答案中暗示了這一點,但有一個方面我們還沒有聽說很多,那就是交貨計劃。很明顯,你一直在與一些新的餐廳模式合作,並開發這些模式,但只是想看看你是否能為我們提供一個最新的方面,該倡議的立場和你有什麼外賣。很明顯,你在附加費和新客戶增長方面分享了一些來自中國的外賣,但你在美國迄今為止的送貨計劃中看到過什麼外賣嗎?

Rosalind Gates Brewer: Sure. So, yes. We are continuing to expand. Because we're now at 75% US coverage of all Starbucks stores, we are now into a national marketing program, which, if you remember, this time last year we were roughly about 115 stores with no marketing against it. And so we are encouraged to continue to see what happens when we alert the customer that delivery is available at their favorite location. Our stores are equipped from a technology standpoint. The partners are well trained in terms of how to handle the trade-off between the transition of the beverage to the pickup delivery person. So operationally, it's working extremely well. We'll continue to watch it.



1. Delivery program: 此處指星巴克專星送,是星巴克官方線上訂餐服務。在中國,星巴克與餓了麼平臺聯手。消費者可通過星巴克APP和阿里旗下餓了麼兩個平臺下單,在專星送服務範圍內點單後,精準門店派單系統會智能分析周邊門店運能後派單,並根據實時數據為每個訂單優化配送路線,確保飲品在30分鐘內配送。


1. If you could provide us an update in terms of……


