
什麼時候輪到我被認真對待/ When is my turn to be taken seriously滿懷期待的事從沒使我快樂過/ I've never been happy with what I'm looking forward to真羨慕那些一難過就有很多人關心的人/ I envy those people who are concerned when they are sad

原諒我一廂情願,不知好歹的喜歡了你那麼久/ Forgive me for loving you so long如果你不夠優秀,遇見也不配擁有/ If you're not good enough to meet and have什麼都明白的人才最溫柔也最冷漠/ The person who knows eveything is the most gentle and indifferent

我想被愛,被肯定,被信任,被珍惜,被需要/ I want to be loved ,affirmed,trusted,cherished and needed我沒有所謂的避風港,所以的風雨都是自己扛/ I don't have the so-called shelter,all the storms are on my own