
哈佛校長Lawrence Bacow通知學生撤離校園的郵件裡的最後一段話:“沒人能預知在後面幾個星期我們即將面臨的是什麼,但是我們每個人都要懂得COVID-19將考驗我們在危機時刻所顯示的超脫於自我的善良和慷慨。我們的任務是在這個非我所願的複雜混沌的時刻,展示自己最好的品格和行為。願我們與智慧和風度同行。

No one knows what we will face in the weeks ahead, but everyone knows enough to understand that COVID-19 will test our capacities to be kind and generous, and to see beyond ourselves and our own interests. Our task now is to bring the best of who we are and what we do to a world that is more complex and more confused than any of us would like it to be. May we all proceed with wisdom and grace.

With appreciation,
