中學生語法高分必看重難點,ing 和 ed 形容詞

Hello and welcome to 6 Minute Vocabulary with me Finn.


And I'm Catherine. In today's programme we're going to look at i-n-g and e-d adjectives.

我是愛麗絲。本期我們要學的是 i-n-g 和 e-d 的形容詞。

So if you're interested in vocabulary, but you find some adjectives confusing, keep listening.


Yes, keep listening, and it's on with the show! I must say, Finn, you're looking very relaxed today.


Oh really? Well, maybe that's because I was on holiday last week. It was very relaxing.


Speaking of holidays, here are two people who had a bad time on holiday. What went wrong?


The train was horrible. Big gangs of teenagers playing music on their phones — I got very annoyed.


The flight was delayed and we had ten really boring hours in the airport with nothing to do.


Not much fun, eh? So, the man was annoyed, or angry, about teenagers playing music. And the woman had a long and boring wait in the airport.


So let's have a closer look. Here's the woman again.


The flight was delayed and we had ten really boring hours in the airport with nothing to do.


Now adjectives ending with i-n-g, like boring, usually describe things or events that make us have a particular feeling.

以 i-n-g 結尾的形容詞,例如 boring,通常描述使我們有特殊感覺的事物或事件。

That's right, and in the example, boring describes all those hours and hours in the airport. Ten long, boring hours. Sound familiar Finn?

是的,在示例中,boring 描述了機場中所有時間。十個漫長而無聊的小時。聽起來很熟悉,Finn?

That sounds very familiar, yes.


And there are lots of i-n-g adjectives we can use to describe things or events.

我們可以使用很多 i-n-g 形容詞來描述事物或事件。

We can talk about a confusing problem, a surprising piece of news or an exciting film with lots of action. Finn, what's the most exciting film you have ever seen?


So many exciting films. But the first one I can think of is Gravity. In space. Very exciting. OK Catherine, what is your idea of a relaxing holiday?


-I do like to be beside the seaside, Finn. -Oh, very good.


Now let's look at e-d adjectives. We're going to hear from a woman who got a very cheap holiday. What e-d adjective does she use?

現在讓我們來看一下 e-d 形容詞。我們將收到一個假期花費很少的女人的消息。她使用了什麼 e-d 形容詞呢?

We got a great deal. I was surprised at how cheap it was.


We use e-d adjectives to say how we feel about something. In our example, the adjective surprised describes how the woman feels about the price.

我們使用 e-d 形容詞來表達我們對事物的感覺。在我們的示例中,形容詞 surprised 描述了女人對價格的感覺。

I was surprised at how cheap it was.


She didn't expect it to be so cheap!


That's right. If I say: I get annoyed by loud music, the word annoyed describes my feelings about the music. The music is annoying, and I feel annoyed.

是的。如果我說:吵鬧的音樂讓我很煩躁,annoyed 一詞描述了我對音樂的感受。音樂很煩人,我感覺煩躁。

And if I say: long lectures make me bored, the word bored describes my feelings about the lecture. The lecture is boring, and I feel bored. So, Finn, what makes you bored?

如果我說:漫長的演講讓我感到無聊,那麼 bored 這個詞描述了我對演講的感受。演講很無聊,我感到無聊。那麼,芬恩,是什麼讓您感到無聊?

Nothing. I never feel bored.


Yes, you do.


OK, when I'm travelling to work. A long commute is very boring and it makes me feel bored.


Me too. And a word of warning here: don't confuse bored and boring — because if you say I'm very boring, you're actually saying that you make other people feel bored!

我也是。這裡有個警告:不要混淆 bored 和 boring,因為如果你說 I’m very boring,實際上是在說讓其他人感到無聊!

And you don't want that.


And it's time for a quiz. Listen to these sentences and choose whether they need an i-n-g or e-d adjective.

現在該進行測驗了。聽這些句子,然後選擇是否需要 i-n-g 或 e-d 形容詞。

Catherine will tell you the answers. OK. Ready? Number one: I enjoy taking long hot baths. They make me feel really. . . a) relaxed or b) relaxing?

凱瑟琳會告訴你答案。準備好了嗎?1:我喜歡長時間洗熱水澡。他們讓我感到非常... a) relaxed or b) relaxing?

Now Finn, you're describing your feeling, so it's a) relaxed.

芬恩,你正在描述自己的感覺,所以 a) relaxed.

That's right: they make me relaxed. Number two: 'The discovery of life on Mars would be… ' a) surprised or b) surprising?

沒錯:它們使我放鬆。2:在火星上發現生命將是......a) surprised or b) surprising?

And this time. We're talking about a discovery, which is a thing, so it's b) surprising.

這次我們在談論發現,這是一回事,所以 b) surprising.

And the last one: 'Those students are very. . . ' a) annoying or b) annoyed?

最後一個:那些學生非常…… a) annoying or b) annoyed?

And this one is a trick question, because both of them are possible. Those students are very annoying is correct if we are describing the students.

這是一個棘手的問題,因為兩者都有可能。如果我們描述學生的話,那些學生 annoying 是正確的。

But those students are very annoyed is what we say if we are talking about the students' feelings.

但是那些學生非常 annoyed,如果我們談論學生的感受時我們會說。

That's right, both are possible. And that brings us almost to the end of the show.


But before we go, here's today's top tip for learning vocabulary: i-n-g and e-d adjectives are easy to confuse, so write down pairs of example sentences in your notebook.

結束前向大家傳授一個超棒的妙招:i-n-g 和 e-d 形容詞很容易混淆,因此請在筆記本中寫下成對的例句。

Very good. And remember there's more about this at bbclearningenglish. com. Join us again for more 6 Minute Vocabulary.


-Bye! -Bye!
