
The affliction’s spread in China is partly related to genes.


1. affliction英 [əˈflɪkʃn] 美 [əˈflɪkʃn] 本意是“病痛,苦惱,折磨”,這裡需要聯繫前文來理解。前面一直在說的是學生近視高發的問題,所以這個affliction具體指“近視”。

因此這裡The affliction’s spread in China也可以寫為The spread of myopia in China。

2. 同義詞替換+高頻英語寫作句型:be partly related to是一個固定表達,可以在英語寫作中表達因果關係,表示“部分歸因於,與……有一定關係”。

它的同義表達是be partly attributable to,be attributed in part to, be partly associated with。


An aging population is closely related to labour shortages.


還可以替換為be driven partly by,比如經濟學人中這句:

The world's coal market experienced an unexpected revival in 2017, according to an annual energy round-up from BP an oil firm. The uptick was driven partly by a resurgence of demand for coal in China, which increased by 0.5% year on year, after falling for three consecutive years.
