
Module 2 Experiences

Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids.


1. 知識目標: 學會運用 Germany, France, Arabic, mix, count 等詞。


2. 能力目標:用現在完成時來描述自己的一次經歷。

3. 情感目標:瞭解西方人熱愛旅遊,追求自由的個性。


1. 重點:能描述多種愛好。 能諮詢他人愛好,介紹自己的愛好。


2. 難點:能描述多種愛好。 能諮詢他人愛好,介紹自己的愛好。

【學習步驟】 :

一、 課前預習【自主學習】


1. Mike Robinson is a ___ American boy.

2. Cairo is one of the biggest and busiest __ in Africa.

3. Mike’s father works for a very big __ which has offices in many countries.

4. In Egypt, the Robinsons have traveled many interesting places such as the ___and the palaces and towers of ancient kings and queens.

5. So far, Mike and Clare have learnt to speak __ , French, Chinese and .

6. The company has asked Peter to work back in the US and they are __ down the days.


1. the Great Wal 2. at the moment

3. be different from 4. count down

二、課堂學習過程 【合作探究】

Step 1. Work in pairs.

Have you….?

Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.

Has he/ she …?

Yes, he/she has.

No, he/ she hasn’t.

Step 2. Ask and answer the questions.

1. Which interesting places in China have you visited?

2. Have you ever seen the Great Wall?

3. Have you ever visited another country?

Step 3. Look at the photo and discuss .

what it shows and where it is.

Step 4. Read and answer the questions.

1. How long have the Robinsons been in Egypt?

2. Why do they live in Cairo?

3. What have they seen and done in Egypt?

4. What do Mike and Clare find difficult about Arabic?

5. Who do they miss in the US?

6. Are they looking forward to going home?

Step 5. Read Paragraph 1 and fill in the blanks.

Hello, I’m Mike Robinson. I’m ____ years old. I come from ______. Clare is my sister. She is fourteen. We are in ______ in Egypt now. _____ is one of the _____ and _____ cities in Africa.

Step 6. Read Paragraph 2, 3 and check the sentences.

1. Mike lives in Cairo for two years.

2. Peter’s company has sent him to work in Germany, France, English and China.

3. The Robinsons have visited the ancient palaces of the queens and kings of Egypt.

Step 7. Read Paragraph 4 and fill in the blanks.

Mike and Clare have learnt a little ______. This language is ______ from English in many ways. _____ and _____the words is difficult for them, but they still enjoy learning it. They have learnt _____, _____, _____ and _____. They often ____ the languages.

Step 8. Listen to Paragraph 5 and answer the question.

Why are the Robinsons moving again?

Step 9. Discussion and writing

Think about one of your fantastic experiences. Talk about it with your partner first. Then write it down.

You should write the passage considering the following questions.

When…? Where…? What…? How…? Who…? Why…?


(一)1. ---one of the biggest and busiest cities in Africa. ……, 非洲最大、最忙的城市之一。

● one of the +形容詞的最高級+可數名詞複數

“one of the +形容詞的最高級+可數名詞複數意為“……(中)最……之一,短語中需要特別注意兩點:形容詞的最高級之前必須有定冠詞 the。 名詞必須是複數。 在短語之後常常會跟一個表示比較範圍的短語。

例如:The hens are one of the most useful animals in the world.


● 當“one of the+形容詞的最高級+可數名詞複數作主語時,謂語動詞要用單數。

例如:One of the cleverest students in our class is from our village.



1. This is ____ (最美妙的音樂之一) I have ever heard.

2. ___ (最大的問題之一) is that I am too busy.


1. It is one of _____ companies in America.

A. biggest B. bigger C. the biggest D. the bigger

2. I am very interested in the storybook. It is one of the most interesting ______ I have ever read.

A. book B. one C. ones

(二). They have been to many interesting places. 他們已經去過許多有趣的地方。

● have been to 去過……

“have/ has been to+地點名詞冶意為“去過某地冶,表示“某人曾經去過某地,現在已經不在那個地方了,時間狀語常用 ever, never(否定句)等。

例如:I have ever been to America.


(現在 “我在說話地點,而不在美國,去美國是過去的事。)

● “have/ has gone to+地點意為“去了……”,強凋“去了某地還未回來。

例如:—Where is your father? 你父親在哪裡?

—He has gone to the library. 他去圖書館了。




1. Miss Smith with her parents ____ China twice.

A. has been to B. has gone C. have been to D. have gone to

2. —Mr. Green, ___ you Three Lanes and Seven Alleys(三坊七巷) last Sunday?

—No, but I’ll visit them next week.

A. will; go to B. have; been to C. did; go to D. have; gone to

(三) ---,and they find it hard to spell and pronounce the words.……, 他們發現拼寫單詞和發單詞的音很難。

● find it +形容詞+ to do sth. 發現做某事是……意為“發現做某事是……, it 是形式主語,真正的主語是動詞不定式 to do sth.。 本結構中形容詞是用來修飾動詞不定式的。

例如:Many students find it difficult to learn English well.




1. Tony found ___ necessary to take an umbrella with him in England.

A. it B. that C. this D. him

2. When they grow up, they find it impossible ___ for themselves.

A. thinking B. to think C. thought D. thinks

(四) So far they have learnt to speak German, French, Chinese and Arabic. 到目前為止,他們已經學會說德語、法語、漢語和阿拉伯語。

● so far 到目前為止


例如:I have had no reply from her so far.


● Arabic 阿拉伯語

Arabic 是名詞,意為“阿拉伯語;也可作形容詞,意為“阿拉伯語的;阿拉伯的”。

例如:Can you speak Arabic or English?



例如:Chinese speak Chinese in China.


Frenchmen speak French in France.




We have learnt two thousand words ___ (到目前為止).


So far, my little son ___ (read) many interesting English storybooks.


1. The boy comes from ___ , but he can’t speak ‘

A. French; France B. America; English

C.Japanese; Japanese D. Russian; Russian

2. Most of the __ are interested in climbing the Great Wall in China.

A. English B. Englishman C. Englishmen D. England

(五) They are counting down the days. 他們正在倒計時數日子。

● count 數

count 是動詞,意為“數;清點,既可作及物動詞,也可作不及物動詞。 短語 count down 意為“倒數;倒計時。

例如:It’s not humanly possible to count so quickly.


We counted the books and found there were fifty.

我們把書數了一下,發現總共是 50 本。

You can count down the days to freedom.




1. Can you ___ (數數) from one to ten, young child?

2. They are happy to ___ (倒數) the days to the summer holiday.


I. Think of a special trip. Write notes and explain:

*Where you went

*When you went there

*Why it was special


Write a passage about your experience.