

來自印度理工學院的Gopal Dixit教授和來自德國馬克斯•普朗克物質結構與動力學研究所的Angel Rubio教授共同領導的科研團隊,基於含時密度泛函理論(TD-DFT)方法,研究了空位對單層六角氮化硼高次諧波發射的影響,證明了這些真實自旋極化缺陷如何影響諧波發射以及原始固體和缺陷固體內諧波的重要區別,展示了自旋極化缺陷的高次諧波(HHG)對固體中自旋極化缺陷進行成像的可能性。人們可能認為,具有硼原子空位或具有氮原子空位的h-BN會表現出相似的HHG光譜,因其都是去除了h-BN中的單個原子。然而情況並非如此,因為從帶隙狀態可明顯看出硼和氮的空位會導致質子的電子結構不同。


該文近期發表於npj Computational Materials 6: 10 (2020),英文標題與摘要如下,點擊可以自由獲取論文PDF。

High-harmonic generation from spin-polarised defects in solids

M. S. Mrudul, Nicolas Tancogne-Dejean , Angel Rubio and Gopal Dixit

The generation of high-order harmonics in gases enabled to probe the attosecond electron dynamics in atoms and molecules with unprecedented resolution. Extending these techniques to solids, which were originally developed for atomic and molecular gases, requires a fundamental understanding of the physics that has been partially addressed theoretically. Here, we employ time- dependent density-functional theory to investigate how the electron dynamics resulting in high-harmonic emission in monolayer hexagonal boron nitride is affected by the presence of vacancies. We show how these realistic spin-polarised defects modify the harmonic emission and demonstrate that important differences exist between harmonics from a pristine solid and a defected solid. In particular, we found that the different spin channels are affected differently by the presence of the spin-polarised point defect. Moreover, the localisation of the wavefunction, the geometry of the defect, and the electron–electron interaction are all crucial ingredients to describe high-harmonic generation in defected solids.