06.15 為什麼越長大越難交到好朋友?這些原因有沒有戳中你

Back when we were kids, making friends was as simple as asking "can I play with you?". We didn't have to go looking for playmates because they were always around, and the time we could spend with them seemed endless.


How time flies! Nowadays we have to go to work, or college, and can't seem to find the time to spend with friends anymore. Even worse, we have fewer of them. Making friends isn't easy, either, now that we're all grown up.


But why should this be? Well, here are few possible reasons.



Schools are the perfect environment for making friends. Within their walls, children can find all of the three key ingredients that sociologists consider necessary for forming close friendships:


"proximity, repeated, unplanned interactions, and a setting that encourages people to let their guard down and confide in each other."


Think about it, our best friends were usually our classmates or roommates, not the girl in another class or boy from a different school.


Unfortunately, by the time we're ready to enter the world of work, conflicting schedules can make it difficult to maintain friendships — even for roommates!


Without the perfect friend-making ingredients, we have to take the initiative and put aside time for hanging out together.



Undoubtedly, the older we get, the less reliant we become on the friends that we had when we were young.


This is partly because we begin to crave some time alone, and partly because of the relationships we start to form with other people, such as romantic partners, co-workers and relatives.


These relationships are often more intimate, more routine or more formal than our childhood friendships, making the latter seem less important by comparison.


According to Emily Langan, assistant professor of communication at Wheaton College in the United States, friendships are unique because we choose to enter into them, unlike familial relationships.

麻省惠頓學院的副教授 Emily Langan認為,友誼的自願性意味著它沒有正式結構。

They also lack the formal structure of other voluntary bonds such as marriages and romantic relationships. In the hierarchy of relationships, friendships are at the bottom.



As well as the practical barriers of proximity and independence, we adults throw up our own inner roadblocks that prevent us from forming friendships.


Whereas when we were children we would simply look for a playmate, we now apply various filters to the process — searching instead for someone who holds similar values, enjoys similar hobbies and has a similar way of life.


We may also be held back by popular misconceptions, such as the idea that we should not be close friends with colleagues, that real friends are only made in grade school, or that it's impossible to be friends with members of the opposite sex.


People change, friendships change. As adults, we may be pessimistic about making friends, but it's unrealistic to try and form the same friendships we had in college or middle school.


It's sad to think that we no longer rely on our friends as much as we used to, but this change allows us to embrace more mature relationships based on understanding and tolerance. It's not ideal, but it's real!






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