03.03 恭喜李先生,成功獲得 233311 電力工程師通過信

33311 電氣工程師職業描述 Job description

電氣工程師負責設計、開發和管理設備、機器和電力能源的生產、分配,利用和控制系統的製造,安裝,操作和維護。Designs, develops and supervises the manufacture, installation, operation and maintenance of equipment, machines and systems for the generation, distribution, utilisation and control of electric power.

Previously referred to in ASCO as:2125-11

233311 電氣工程師職位別名

233311 電氣設計工程師 Electrical Design Engineer (S)233311 鐵路信號工程師 Railway Signalling Engineer (S)233311 信號和通訊技術工程師 Signalling and Communications Engineer (S)

233311 電氣工程師技術等級 Skill level

電氣工程師的技能等級為1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)。

233311 電氣工程師所屬職業列表

SOL - 澳洲技術移民職業列表 Skilled Occupation ListLSO - 新西蘭技術移民職業列表 LIST OF SKILLED OCCUPATIONSLTSSL - 新西蘭長期緊缺職業列表 LONG TERM SKILL SHORTAGE LIST

233311 電氣工程師澳洲技術移民職業評估 Skills assessment authority

EA - 澳大利亞工程師協會工程師職業評估 Engineers Australia:雅思4個6,工學學位,評估有效期5年。

233311 電氣工程師州擔保情況

近期擔保過 233311 電氣工程師 Electrical Engineer 職業的州包括:

* 北領地 Northern Territory

* 堪培拉 Australian Capital Territory

* 南澳 South Australia

* 西澳 West Australia

* 昆士蘭 Queensland

* 維多利亞 Victoria

* 新南威爾士 New South Wales

* 塔斯馬尼亞 Tasmania

233311 電氣工程師新西蘭技術移民緊缺職業加分要求

華盛頓協議認證的工學學位,或者 A Washington Accord accredited engineering degree OR

相當於工學學位、榮譽工學學位或工學碩士的資格,或者 Either a qualification comparable to a: Bachelor of Engineering, or Bachelor of Engineering (with Honours), or Master of Engineering degree OR

7級或7級以上資格,此資格有IPENZ的信函,證明此學位符合新西蘭對於特許專業工程師的註冊要求,或者 A qualification at Level 7 or higher with a letter from IPENZ certifying that the degree and any further learning meets the academic requirements for registration as a ‘Chartered Professional Engineer’ in New Zealand OR

在新西蘭註冊特許專業工程師 NZ registration as a ‘Chartered Professional Engineer’

233311 電氣工程師執業註冊要求(不代表移民要求)

Registration or licensing may be required.

Victoria - Registration is compulsory if working in the building industry and approving designs.

Queensland - Professional engineers whose work is not supervised by a Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland must be registered to practise in Queensland.

Tasmania - Licensing is compulsory for engineers who wish to contract directly with their own clients for work over AUD5 000 that needs a building permit.

Northern Territory - Professional engineers working in the building industry must be registered as building practitioners with the Building Practitioners Board.

New South Wales - Engineers providing assessment under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act require accreditation by the Building Professionals Board.

National - The National Professional Engineers Register (NPER) is widely recognised throughout Australia and, in many cases, is accepted as evidence of the required qualifications and competencies for registration under state and territory registration schemes (see above). NPER is administered by Engineers Australia under advice from the National Engineering Registration Board.


恭喜李先生,成功獲得 233311 電力工程師通過信!
