01.31 2020年Defexpo期間空客將向直升機傾斜,飛機計劃

Airbus will pitch the C295 military transport aircraft, the Panther Helicopter among several products to Indian officials at the Defexpo 2020 event in Lucknow, India.

空中客車將在印度勒克瑙舉行的Defexo 2020活動上向印度官員推介C295軍用運輸機和黑豹直升機等幾種產品。

Airbus will exhibit S46, Hall 07 and models of the C295 aircraft.


It has bid to manufacture the C295 in India together with Tata Advanced Systems.

它與塔塔先進系統公司(Tata Advanced Systems)一起投標在印度生產C295。

It will also showcase combat-proven A330 MRTT, the new generation aerial refueller.

它還將展示經過戰鬥驗證的新一代空中加油機A330 MRTT。

In addition, it exhibits the AS565 MBe Panther, the H145M and the H225M helicopters.

此外,它還展出了AS565 MBE豹,H145M和H225M直升機。

Airbus has offered to build the Panther or the H145M in India under the government’s Strategic Partnership (SP) model for the Naval Utility Helicopters (NUH) programme.


The H225M has been offered as part of the Naval Multi Role Helicopter (NMRH) programme, these helicopters would be produced in India in partnership with Mahindra Defence.

H225M已經作為海軍多用途直升機(NMRH)計劃的一部分提供,這些直升機將與Mahindra Defense合作在印度生產。

Anand Stanley, President & Managing Director, Airbus India & South Asia said, “DefExpo is a key platform to showcase our commitment to the country’s ever-growing aerospace and defence needs.”
