04.20 BBC驚曝“野雞大學”產業鏈,連狗都拿到了MBA!





BBC 播客《File on 4》節目曝光了涉及數百萬英鎊的假文憑國際貿易。

File on 4 exposes a multi-million pound global trade in fake diplomas.


A complex network of online universities sells degrees, doctorates and professional qualifications - for a price. Some of the buyers have gone on to trade on these credentials, including them on their CVs and gaining jobs in public life.


Others, after making an initial purchase, were blackmailed by the sellers, who threatened to expose them unless they paid out huge additional sums of money.

節目一開始就曝光了一家巴基斯坦的“文憑工廠”、IT公司Axact——號稱是全球最大的“野雞大學”之一,已經售出超20萬假文憑。Axact 創建了數百個網站,聲稱是可以提供一系列學歷證明的在線大學。雖然一個學位可能僅售幾千美元,但BBC調查發現買家可能會被勒索,有人甚至被敲詐50多萬美元。

An investigation into one of the world’s biggest degree mills, a Pakistani company that has sold over 200,000 bogus qualifications. IT company Axact has created hundreds of websites purporting to be online universities offering a range of academic qualifications from degrees to doctorates. However while a degree can cost just a few thousand dollars this BBC investigation has discovered customers are also being blackmailed for buying them and some have paid over more than $500,000.


上文中的degree mill即我們常說的“野雞大學” ,也可以說diploma mill。Mill在這裡表示“大規模製造某種產品的工廠”,也比喻“如工廠般製造產品的機構”。如:The college was nothing more than a diploma mill.



BBC記者Simon Cox在接受The News採訪時表示,作為調查的一部分,他向Axact致電諮詢,不到10分鐘對方就向他提供Nixon University(尼克松大學)的學位,要價是3600美元。

BBC investigative journalists, Simon Cox, told The News in an interview that as part of the investigation, Axact offered him a degree from fake online “Nixon University” costing $3,600 within 10 minutes after the BBC reporter called Axact.


Simon Cox還說:


They showed me what it (degree) would look like. They showed me a course I was supposed to have taken. All they wanted to know was my credit card details and then I could get the degree delivered at my doorstep. They kept calling me and they were very persistent. They were concerned about getting money out of me.

話說難道沒人能識破這些假大學麼?BBC記者戳穿Axact謊言後得到的“解釋”是:他們圓謊稱大學真的存在,就在南加州。(They tried to maintain this fiction that they did really exist and that they were in southern California.)



The first person I spoke to said they were in Washington, DC. The second person said they were in southern California. And when I countered them that they were lying, they said we have branches all over America. So they had an answer for everything.

除了尼克松大學,諸如此類的野雞大學還有布魯克林帕克大學(Brooklyn Park University )、哥倫比亞納大學(Columbiana University)還有巴克利大學(Barkley University)等等。


In 2015, Axact sold more than 215,000 fake qualifications globally, through approximately 350 fictitious high schools and universities, making $51m (£37.5m) that year alone.



Despite criminal investigations in numerous countries, why is there still a thriving trade in dubious qualifications and are institutions and companies taking the issue seriously enough?

據《紐約時報》2015年報道,Axact公司CEO和高級經理均被逮捕,巴基斯坦有關部門也對此展開調查。高級經理Umair Hamid更於2017年被判處有期徒刑21個月。但對Axact的調查卻因巴基斯坦政府貪汙腐敗而停滯不前。

Following a New York Times expose in 2015, Axact's chief executive was arrested and an investigation launched by the Pakistani authorities. Senior manager Umair Hamid was sentenced to 21 months in a US prison in August 2017 for his part in Axact's fraud. Yet the Pakistani investigation has ground to a halt amid claims of government corruption.

另據英國高等教育學位檢驗機構(HEDD)CEO傑尼• 羅利的說法,只有20%的英國僱主會對申請人學歷進行適當的檢查。不過即便如此,大家也不能抱著僥倖心理。畢竟大學遠不止是一紙文憑那麼簡單,它能帶給我們的也遠不止專業知識和思維模式,還有珍貴的校園情誼~


1. 拼寫和學校名稱的順序很重要

上面提到的哥倫比亞納大學就是一個典型。它的英文名Columbiana University和世界著名的哥倫比亞大學Columbia University只有兩個字母之差。


至於為什麼說學校名稱的順序也很重要呢,因為英國大部分大學的名稱都是The University of XXXX。

但是在日常生活中為了方便,我們會直接說XXXX University。


2. 看域名


所以看到明明應該是學校官網,但是卻以com, ac或者是edu這類結尾的話,就需要大家多留心一下了。

3. 官方搜索功能




