03.29 【龍騰網】越南有可能在不久的將來發展得像中國日本韓國一樣嗎?

Is it possible that in the near future, Vietnam will be like China, Japan, or South Korea?



原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.comt 轉載請註明出處

Richard Seeto, because of my interest in its history and the way it has been exploited & rubbis

As I have written before, nothing is impossible in this world.

However, for a country such as Vietnam, in order to develop itself like China, Japan or South Korea. it has to practice self control, self discipline and work like heck like China when she was poor and penniless after the rape of Japan’s horrendous invasion and destruction of the country and prior to that by the combined European and American rapine.

In a way, Vietnam suffered the same horrors as China because of the senseless invasion by America and its bribed allies of Australia, Japan, Korea and others who collectively killed and destroyed with reckless abandon and that which they cannot destroy, poisoned; which results and effects are still being felt in rural cities such as Hue with many disfigured unborn for which the invaders and destroyers refused to take responsibility to this day.

China, Japan and South Korea have risen from the ashes of war and if these nations have shown the way, Vietnam surely can do the same.

The question is, will Vietnam have the political will and the co-operation of its people to tackle the hard yards to get there?

I have seen too many poor families whose children prefer to tap unceasingly on their iphones till 1, 2, to 3 pm in the night and then to sleep till 3:00pm the following day and this is repeated day after day especially during their long school holidays instead of putting their nose to the grind stone, studiously learning a trade or doing something to have gainful employment or to earn their daily bread.

Poor as some of these families are, yet their kids will have nothing but branded products such as Apple iPhones and Honda motor scooters and Nike shoes and clothes etc. etc.

Nor do they exercise their lazy bones to keep fit and healthy.

Some are so lazy and indolent that at the age of 16 and 17, they don’t even know how to cook a nutritious meal for themselves but the parents slave themselves to give them money to buy their food which does not include fruit or vegetables.

How can anyone be healthy enough and have the right mentality and constitution to do the hard yards and think of bettering their own conditions and that of the country in which they live?

So, what to do?

Schools and all institutions of learning have a duty to instill in its students firstly to take responsibility for their own decisions and actions.

They should instill in them the love of their country that they consume responsibly and not overeat which not only causes indolence and obesity but bad for health and longevity.

Practice in their daily lives not to be wasteful of anything and not to throw rubbish everywhere as it not only pollute the very environment in which they live but also create an ugly picture of their habitat.

Repeat the mantra for every child: Early to bed and early to rise, don’t smoke or drink unhealthy soda which give diabetes and grow strong and healthy to make your nation great. Treat everyone with respect.

Encourage the people to help keep their streets clean and repair any holes or cracks in the road and street that they can and not expect the government to do everything for them.

Above all, begin the greening of all government instrumentalities by removing corruption which acts like an opiate on the populace by numbing their mentality of “why should I care when government officials can rob and steal at will”

It has been reported that government officials of Vietnam has openly said that: “If we are not corrupt, we are not the government”

The government, encouraged by America and the West, is borrowing heavily overseas money to buy their second rate arms to oppose China with little left to even maintain decent street roads to make life a little easier for the people.

That being the case, how long do you think it will take Vietnam to even reach the first stage of China’s or any other country’s development?

I was requested to write a similar article for the development of India and did not get even one response.

That’s o.k. And I realise that I have hit home with some home truths.

Some countries think that just because they’re a democracy, they will automatically get there.

Well, you and I know the truth, folks.












Duy Inoue Le

Vietnam is not buying any second hand weapon from the west lol ; the coast guars ship are gift ; the drone is kind of give from us mod ; the indian gift us 500 mil to buy they weapon but we didnt used it only used the early. 100 mil to buy few patroal boat for coast guard + most of the govt budget go to education 22-25% + about kid on smartphone most of us go to sleep early during school year (12) normal it 10-11pm that we go to sleep ; but now day it abit more late cause we study up to 10-11pm at teacher house or center ( city kid ) then do homework and go to sleep ,even in holiday period we dont go to sleep at 3 am lol . So either you dont know ant vietnamese student or you only meet vietnamese american and think they are same at vietnamese who live in vietnam lol or you only meet really bad kid ( and those kid arw minority who smoke and go club which every country have those minoritu bad kid lol )


Richard Seeto

My friend, I never said, second hand. Read my post again. It is SECOND RATE.

Do you think America will sell you their F-22 or F-35s?

And India will sell you their latest ICBMs.

Check the gifts they give you. Mostly hand-me-downs and the $500 mil gift is a ruse to encourage you to buy more and more of the Indian kind of arms that they are willing to sell you.

Bet you cannot use that $500 mil to buy arms from any other country but India.

Have you read that Indians are now saying that your Vietnamese men are so ugly that all your women folks prefer to marry them?

If there’s one thing you should never forget and it is this:


Do whatever at your own peril.


你認為美國會把F-22或F -35賣給你們嗎?







Ngoc Diep Hoang, former Worked and Lived in Vietnam for More Than 20 Years

Anything is possible if we talk about the future.

However, with the current power system under the Vietnamese Communist Party (VCP), especially since the VCP's “doi moi" policy - an open-up policy in the late 1980s, the country has faced many increasing crisis, namely: uncontrollable corruptions from top to bottom officials; uncontrollable national debts; abusive of power against conscientious voices; environmental damages due to reckless and corrupted approvals of overseas industrial projects, losing its sea territory and its natural resources to China, etc. with no sign of any workable strategy or policy to address them.

For 30 years, the VCP has proved its incompetencies. and it has gradually worsen in the past 15 years. Therefore, Vietnam must change its power system first. And even if Vietnam could change its power system and ridden of the VCP, it would take at least a few decades before it can see any significant growth.

Let's hope it will change soon. But only… with very little ground for hope.





Ngô Xuan Kỳ, lives in Vietnam (1996-present)

Firstly, China is in a different group from South Korea and Japan. The former still has a lot of room to grow while the other two are near their peak with much slower growth.

Secondly, the gap in living standard between Vietnam and the likes of South Korea and Japan is gigantic and cannot be closed in the near future, even with a growth rate of 7% a year.

Vietnam’s estimated PPP GDP per capita in 2050 is $28200, way behind Japan’s ($63100) and South Korea’s ($70000)




Jonathan Buttall

I’ll learn more in a few weeks, when we visit Vietnam. Developing countries are mostly doing well and it takes time to achieve what Japan and South Korea did, so I agree with your answer.


Nguyễn Văn Đồng, Bachelor Real Estate (2017)

The question is so broad that I alone can not answer. Please note that my answer bases on economic growth aspect only.

If “near future” means under a decade period, I can assure that it’s mostly impossible.

We dont need economic statistics to find out the gasp. China and Japan are the top largest economic center of the world. Vietnam is such a small piece in the table.

Vietnam is developing fast 6.2% gdp growth. But in a decade or two, those countries are still far ahead.


