
橋宅坐落於西班牙米諾卡島東北岸的Coves Noves住宅區。2400平方米的開闊場地使住宅得以儘可能地在水平方向上延伸,以捕捉周圍最佳的風景。與此同時,住宅扭轉的體量創造出令人驚喜的室內空間,並且獲得了充滿變化的外觀。

Bridge House is located in Coves Noves, a residential area in the north-east coast of Minorca island, Spain. Its generous plot of 2400sqm allows the dwelling to stretch horizontally to capture the surrounding’s best landscape views. At the same time, its rotating volumes create surprising interior spaces and never repeating outlooks.

▼住宅外觀,exterior view ©Adriâ Goulá


▼房屋的功能空間被劃分為多個小尺度的單元,breaking down the program into smaller units seemed a more respectful way to place a large program onto the site ©Adriâ Goulá

Based on the assembly of squared and pentagonal plans, these small polyhydric volumes stack and hover over the existing landscape with playful lightness. Their bridge-like composition gives the house its name. Breaking down the program into smaller units seemed a more respectful way to place a large program onto the site. The outer terraces and pool are designed as a direct extension of the indoor plan, following its same geometries and keeping the vast majority of the plot untouched.

▼建築鳥瞰&概覽,aerial view & overview ©Nomo Studio

功能佈局 | Program


▼從泳池望向門廊,view to the porch from the pool area ©Adriâ Goulá

▼近100平方米的超大門廊空間成為整個住宅的“心臟”,the very large porch of almost 100㎡ is conceived as the heart of the house ©Adriâ Goulá

This house has been thought primarily as a holiday house in Spain, where one spends most of the time outdoors enjoying the warm weather. Therefore, the very large porch of almost 100sqm, located under the hovering volumes, is conceived as the heart of the house, where large social gatherings take place. With the proximity of the pool and garden, and equipped with an outdoor kitchenette, one can enjoy the views in both directions, the sea to the front side, the forest to the back. A second porch on the first floor, in connection to the main kitchen, is meant for a more casual daily use. This space is also protected from neighbouring views and open to both sea and mountain views.

▼露臺和立面細部,detailed view of the terrace and the facade ©Adriâ Goulá


▼一層平面圖,ground floor plan ©Nomo Studio

The program consists of an interconnected living and dining space and 5 bedrooms, one of them located independently as a guest pavilion. Common spaces are visually independent, however completely interlinked through open thresholds that create fluid circulations. The master bedroom on the first floor is connected with the living room and kitchen, thus functions as an apartment within the house. All other bedrooms are placed on the ground floor in direct connection to the garden and the pool. The bathrooms have been designed as open and bright spaces, with large floor-to-ceiling windows. Finally, a detached volume houses a garage, a laundry-room with a patio for hanging clothes and a large storage and installation room.

▼首層休閒空間,seating area on the ground floor ©Adriâ Goulá

▼二層廚房,kitchen on the first floor ©Adriâ Goulá

立面 | Facade


Bridge House’s all-white facade responds to Minorca’s historical tradition of white-washed walls and pitch-roofs in a continuous white veil. Following this local custom, we chose a continuous self-washable white plastered finishing for walls, roofs and soffits. Concealed gutters where carved out from the roofs planes in order to guarantee good maintenance of the facade.

▼全白的立面呼應了米諾卡島的傳統,Bridge House’s all-white facade responds to Minorca’s historical tradition ©Adriâ Goulá


▼外牆環繞著白色穿孔鋁板構成的滑動遮陽系統,a horizontal stripe surrounds the house with an outer skin of white aluminium perforated sliding shutters ©Adriâ Goulá

A horizontal stripe of 210cm height surrounds the house with an outer skin of white aluminium perforated sliding shutters. Along these stripes are located all the windows of the building. These shutters have a double function: on one hand, they protect from direct solar radiation without blocking the views from the inside. On the other hand, they give privacy and security, since seen from the outside, their mesh becomes opaque and they allow the house to be completely locked down. On the back side, where there are no openings, the shutters disappear; however, these stripes continue as two different facade roughnesses: a softer and a rougher grain for the plastered finishing. When the shutters are closed, the strong geometric volumes stand out as pure white shapes against the blue sky.

▼遮陽板關閉時,純白的幾何體塊與藍天形成鮮明對比,when the shutters are closed, the strong geometric volumes stand out as pure white shapes against the blue sky ©Adriâ Goulá


The landscape elements, such as retaining walls, stairs and terraces were kept in exposed concrete to avoid blending into the white polyhedrons. Several passive strategies were followed to guarantee the highest A-class energy efficiency level. A thick continuous outer insulation, flexible solar protection through sliding perforated shutters, large porches, high ceilings for cooling and low-emissive glass, amongst others.

▼庭院景觀,courtyard landscape ©Adriâ Goulá

▼景觀元素採用了裸露的混凝土,避免與白色的多面體混為一體,the landscape elements were kept in exposed concrete to avoid blending into the white polyhedrons ©Adriâ Goulá

室內設計 | Interiors


▼淺色的樺木材料標示出場景的變化,light birch wood was used to mark the different inclinations ©Adriâ Goulá

▼天花板被漆成淡綠色,roof ceilings were painted in pastel green ©Adriâ Goulá

In contrast to the all-white abstract materiality of the facade, the choice of materials for the interiors was on purpose rather varied. Pitched roof ceilings were painted in pastel green to highlight the feeling of airiness of the 4m high spaces. Light birch wood was used in wardrobes, deep thresholds and kitchen closets to mark the different inclinations, always keeping a uniform finishing for each plane. The pavement is an in-situ casted rough terrazzo, made with no resin additives but by only polish a standard concrete until the grain is exposed. To protect the interior walls, a low white aluminium base creates a recessed slit, so that the concrete flows under it. White marble was used for bathroom and kitchen countertops and white mat 10×10 tiles with green joints in the shower walls.

▼衣櫥,wardrobes ©Adriâ Goulá

▼浴室,bathroom ©Adriâ Goulá


▼樓梯通過隱藏的LED燈帶照亮,stairs are lit up through concealed LED stripes ©Adriâ Goulá

The thoroughly customized illuminations were very relevant to the overall design. Only indirect light is used all around the house, except for the bathrooms. In this way, LED stripes hidden above the vertical walls brighten up the inclined green ceilings highlighting the generous clear height of the rooms. Stairs, wardrobes and kitchen are also lit up through concealed LED stripes. The decision of avoiding both wall and ceiling exposed fixtures, creates a soft atmosphere and gives protagonism to the high ceiling and the standing lamps. From the outside, the villa aims to keep a low-profile and is therefore illuminated only where required. Only the main access, is emphasized through wall-washing floor lights and a sculptural olive tree.

▼住宅夜景,exterior view by night ©Adriâ Goulá

▼夜間立面局部,facade partial view by night ©Adriâ Goulá

▼場地平面圖,site plan ©Nomo Studio

▼一層平面圖,ground floor plan ©Nomo Studio

▼二層平面圖,first floor plan ©Nomo Studio

▼屋頂平面圖,roof plan ©Nomo Studio

▼立面圖,elevations ©Nomo Studio

▼剖面圖,sections ©Nomo Studio

Project: Single Family HouseType: CommissionClient: PrivateCollaborators: Structure – BIS Structures – Juan Mora SASize: 360 m2Location: Minorca, SpainPartner-in-Charge: Alicia CasalsProject Leader: Alicia CasalsTeam: Karl Johan Nyqvist, Laura Guitart Noelia de la Red, Mario García, Marina Miró, Jordi Sarda, Maria AndanovaPhotography: Adriâ Goulá