
In 1802, German astronomer Heinrich Olbers observed what he thought was a planet within the Main Asteroid Belt.

1802年,德國天文學家海因裡希·奧爾伯斯(Heinrich Olbers)觀察到了他認為是位於主小行星帶內的一顆行星。

In time, astronomers would come to name this body Pallas, an alternate name for the Greek warrior goddess Athena.


The subsequent discovery of many more asteroids in the Main Belt would lead to Pallas being reclassified as a large asteroid, the third-largest in the Belt after Ceres and Vesta.


For centuries, astronomers have sought to get a better look at Pallas to learn more about its size, shape, and composition.


As of the turn of the century, astronomers had come to conclude that it was an oblate spheroid (an elongated sphere).


Thanks to a new study by an international team, the first detailed images of Pallas have finally been taken, which reveal that its shape is more akin to a "golf ball" – i.e.


heavily dimpled.


Pierre Vernazza of the Laboratoire d'Astrophyisque de Marseille in France was the principal investigator of the team, which included members from 21 research institutions from around the world.

法國馬賽天體物理研究所的Pierre Vernazza是該團隊的首席調查員,該團隊包括來自世界各地21個研究機構的成員。

Michaël Marsset, a postdoctoral associate with MIT's Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, was the lead author on the study (which recently appeared in the journal Nature Astronomy).

Michaël Marsset是麻省理工學院地球、大氣和行星科學系的博士後同事,他是這項研究的主要作者(最近發表在“自然天文學”雜誌上)。

For centuries, astronomers have known that Pallas orbits along a highly tilted orbit compared to the majority of objects in the Main Asteroid Belt.


Whereas most of these objects follow the same roughly elliptical path around the Sun and have orbital inclinations of less than 30°, Pallas orbit is inclined 34.837° relative to the Solar plane (for reasons that have remained a mystery).


For the sake of their study, Vernazza and his team obtained 11 images of Pallas that were acquired by the Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet REsearch instrument (SPHERE) on the ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT).
