
01 handson-ml2
★star 3.9k

一系列Jupyter筆記本,使用Scikit Learn、Keras和Tensorflow 2指導你學習機器學習和Python深度學習的基礎知識。該項目旨在教你使用Python學習機器學習的基礎知識。同時包含《 Scikit-Learn,Keras和TensorFlow的動手機器學習》第二版中的示例代碼和練習的解決方案。

02 home-assistant ★star 28.1k

Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first .

Home Assistant是運行在Python 3上的家庭自動化平臺。它能夠在家中跟蹤和控制所有設備,並提供了自動化控制的平臺。該系統使用模塊化方法構建,因此可以輕鬆實現對其他設備或操作的支持。

To get started:

03 incubator-dubbo ★star 29.9k

Apache Dubbo是一個高性能的,基於Java的開源RPC框架。


▪ Transparent interface based RPC

▪ Intelligent load balancing

▪ Automatic service registration and discovery

▪ High extensibility

▪ Runtime traffic routing

▪ Visualized service governance

04 Iptv ★star 8.8k

Collection of 8000+ publicly available IPTV channels from all over the world. 收集來自世界各地8000多個公共IPTV頻道。互聯網協議電視(IPTV)是指通過互聯網協議(IP)網絡傳送電視內容。 用戶可以在單獨的iptv-org / awesome-iptv存儲庫中找到各種IPTV相關資源的鏈接。

05 oh-my-zsh ★star 98.1k


Oh My Zsh is an open source, community-driven framework for managing your zsh configuration.

Sounds boring. Let's try again.

06 SecLists ★star 13.5k

SecLists是安全測試人員的伴侶。它是在安全評估期間使用的多種類型列表的集合,這些列表集中在一個地方。列表類型包括用戶名,密碼,URL,敏感數據模式,模糊有效載荷,Web Shell等。目的是使安全測試人員能夠將此存儲庫拉到新的測試箱中,並可以訪問可能需要的每種列表。該項目由Daniel Miessler,Jason Haddix和g0tmi1k維護。

07 V ★star 13.5k

Simple, fast, safe, compiled language for developing maintainable software. Compiles itself in <1s with zero dependencies. 簡單、快速、安全、可編譯的語言,主要用於開發可維護的軟件。1.0版本於2019年12月發佈。

Key Features of V:

▪ Simplicity: the language can be learned in less than an hour

▪ Fast compilation: ≈100k — 1.2 million loc/s

▪ Easy to develop: V compiles itself in less than a second

▪ Performance: within 3% of C

▪ Safety: no null, no globals, no undefined behavior, immutability by default

▪ C to V translation

▪ Hot code reloading

▪ Powerful UI and graphics libraries


08 Python ★star 15.3k

這個開源項目裡有著豐富的Python範例,這些腳本具有幫助從業者減少工作量的重要功能,在Notepad ++中查看文件時,代碼文檔正確對齊。

▪ batch_file_rename.py - This batch renames a group of files in a given directory, once you pass the current and the new extensions.

▪ create_dir_if_not_there.py - Checks to see if a directory exists in the users home directory, if not then create it.

▪ Fast Youtube Downloader - Downloads YouTube videos quickly with parallel threads using aria2c

▪ Google Image Downloader - Query a given term and retrieve images from the Google Image database.


09 mall ★star 24.3k


10 netbox ★star 5.8k


NetBox在帶有PostgreSQL數據庫的Django Python框架上可作為Web應用程序運行。


▪ IP address management (IPAM) - IP networks and addresses, VRFs, and VLANs

▪ Equipment racks - Organized by group and site

▪ Devices - Types of devices and where they are installed

▪ Connections - Network, console, and power connections among devices

▪ Virtualization - Virtual machines and clusters

▪ Data circuits - Long-haul communications circuits and providers

▪ Secrets - Encrypted storage of sensitive credentials