



《人人說品質》(Everyone Build Quality)的初衷在於將專業的質量文化、品質思維帶入我們的日常生活。致力於與所有人一起,討論品質,監督質量,為促進生活品質貢獻我們的力量。

名師荀子的文章《勸學》中分享:不積跬步,無以至千里;不積小流,無以成江海。《人人說品質》(Everyone Build Quality)就是這樣以每日的堅持,持續地改善來幫助大家感受質量的文化和思想,真正是“品質教育,用力處,細無聲!”




P.S. 《人人說品質》(Everyone Build Quality)之我的故事:






What is education?In 2003, Chai Jing, the first reporter of zero distance report on SARS, once said: education is between people, but also between oneself and oneself. Iit will never stop!Just like a tree shaking another tree, a cloud touching another cloud, a soul wakING up another soul. Only remember the original intention, can we pass our culture from generation to generation.

Once upon a time, the right to receive education was monopolized by the aristocracy, and people from the bottom did not have the right .But there is one person, whose greatest place is that he broke the monopoly of education, created a pioneer of private learning.He had as many as three thousand disciples, and make his Confucianism influence the descendants of the Chinese people for more than two thousand years until today. This great teacher is our Confucius!I can not help but sigh the power of education, appreciate the teacher‘s perseverance !

Now, we are all dream-chasers and dream-interpreters of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.Dream-chasers need passion and ideal, and dream-interpreters need to struggle and dedicate.The principal of world development tells us that when education prospers, people's wisdom and quality are improved.If education is strong, then talent and science and technology are strong.Only remember our dream, believe in the power of education, can we release passion and pursuit ideals in the struggle progress.

The original intention of Everyone Build Quality is to bring professional Quality culture and Quality thinking into our daily life.We are committed to working with all people to discuss quality, monitor quality, and contribute to the promotion of quality life.

Xunzi, a famous teacher, Shared in his essay "exhortation to learning" that : a long distance can be gained by a short step;No small stream, no river."Everyone Build Quality" hold on to daily persistence, continuous improvement to help people feel the culture and thought of Quality."Quality education, work hard, but fine silence!"

"Three company, there must be my teacher " shows that , education is everywhere in our life at every time , which is the most basic amount of accumulation!

"Green is better than blue" means that only let students gain better knowledge, let others gain more quality life, will we have a qualitative leap.

In education field, do not forget our original aim to transfer knowledge. In EBQ, we commitment to build quality sky!

P. S. Everyone Build Quality-my story:

In the spring of 2003, because of SARS, although I was in the university of Wu Han, I was always longing for the vigorous and unrestrained Guang Dong. Finally, I worked and lived in Guang Dong successfully by working in quality field!

In the Spring Festival of 2020, the city was closed due to the virus. Although I spent the Spring Festival in wuhan, I still believe that EBQ will take root in guangdong and move into the future together with you.I believe there will be more people like us, living the ideal life they want by building quality!


Our mission , to disseminate quality ideas and promote quality improvement. Invest 10 minutes every day , and we strive to build high quality life with you.