
What would spring be without the gentle drone of fuzzy bumblebees, lazily dipping in and out of flowers in the warm sunshine? Unfortunately, research suggests, much of the country may be at risk of finding out.


And climate change is at least partly to blame.


Bumblebee populations have plunged in both Europe and North America over the last few decades, a new study suggests.


The likelihood that a given location is populated by bumbles has dropped by a whopping 46% in North America, compared with what it was prior to the 1970s.


And it’s fallen by about 17% in Europe.


That’s likely due to a number of factors, including land use changes, habitat loss and pesticide use.


But rising temperatures have also likely played a significant role, the research suggests.


The new study, conducted by researchers from Canada’s University of Ottawa and the United Kingdom’s University College London, found that bee declines tended to be linked to higher temperatures.


The study was based on observations of 66 species across both continents.


Bees don’t function well once the temperature reaches a certain point, said lead study author Peter Soroye of the University of Ottawa.

渥太華大學的首席研究作者Peter Soroye說,一旦溫度達到一定的溫度,蜜蜂就不能正常工作。

“We know that when temperatures start to get really hot, bees start to have a lot of difficulty flying and foraging,” he told E&E News.


Additionally, rising temperatures can also affect the vegetation that bees depend on for survival.


The researchers note that different bee species have different temperature limits.


And in some cases, a warmer climate can open up new areas for bumblebees to move into.


But that’s only true up to a certain point—eventually, it’s likely to become too warm.
