Human beings feed on misery.人类以对他人落井下石为乐

1.If you find anything in your sister’s belongings that might shed some light on her death, um, letters or a date book, please, call me immediately.

如果你找到任何与你姐姐死有关的遗物——信或者日记, 请立即打电话给我。

belongings: 所有物 shed: 使…流出 shed light on: 为...提供线索

2.I believe she did keep a diary of something. I'll look around for it.

我相信日记之类的东西肯定有, 我找找看。

look around for: 四处寻找

3.Look at them all vultures. Pretending to care when all they really want are the sordid details.


vulture: 秃鹰 pretend to: 假装 care: 关心,在意soedid: 肮脏的 detail: 细节,详情

4.I don't know, I think they just want to show their support.

我不知道. 我想他们只是想表达慰问。

5.Please. Human beings feed on misery.

拜托. 人类以对他人落井下石为乐。

feed on: 以…过活 misery: 痛苦的事,不幸

6.Well, we might as well give the people what they want.


7.Hello. I want to thank you all for coming out here and expressing your genuine sorrow and disbelief.


thank sb. for sth.: 因…感谢某人 come out: 出来,出现 express: 表示genuine: 真实的 disbelief: 不信 sorrow: 悲伤大家好,

8.My sister, Martha, would have been so touched.

我姐姐Martha会很感动的。touched: 感动的

9.I know that many of you have questions.


10.I've just spoken with the police who are still putting together the details of what happened.

我刚和警察谈过, 他们仍然在收集案件发生的线索。

What they do know is, Martha died a violent death.


Yes, I know. It’s hard to hear.

是的, 我知道。这很吓人。

Apparently, there was a struggle.


11.They found scratching and bruising on her body,several broken bones, and traces of dirt in her lungs,.which leads us to believe that she was still alive at the time of her burial, and probably in great pain.But the good news is, there are no signs that she had been molested.Now, I think it's time that you return to your homes, to your loved ones.

他们在她身上发现了抓痕和瘀伤,几块断了的骨头, 和肺部有吸入的尘土这些使我们相信她是被活埋的,很有可能经受了巨大的痛苦,但好消息是没有迹象表明她曾被性侵犯,我想大家可以散了吧,回到你们所爱的家人身边了.

scratch: 抓痕 bruise: 瘀伤

trace: 痕迹 dirt:: 土 lung: 肺

burial: 埋葬probably: 可能,也许

sign: 迹象 molest: 折磨,调戏,对…进行性骚扰

12.Oh, in lieu of a memorial service, I'll be holding an estate sale the day after tomorrow.

哦, 我就不举办追悼会了,我会在后天举办一个房产销售会

lieu: 代替 in lieu of: 代替 memorial: 纪念的service: 服务,接待 hold: 举办 estate: 房产

13.Please, no personal checks.

请 -- 不要使用私人支票

personal: 私人的,个人的 check: 支票