





GPA:3.4+ / TOEFL:100+ / GRE:325+


哥倫比亞大學 MPA

Contributed to drafting and promulgation of PRC Charity LawAs UNDP China's (unpaid) legal adviser, pinpointed precedents and legal bases to defend UNDP position in opposing undue governmental interference, such as merit-less project proposals, unreasonable cost-sharing requests, and denials of budget monitoringAwarded full sponsorship (tuition + stipends) by Chinese government to pursue MPA at ColumbiaEngaged in one of China's first pilot "State-owned Enterprise Mixed Ownership Reform" projects at CITIC Securities' Investment Banking Division


牛津大學 MPhil Criminology & Criminal Justice

Accepted onto a competitive PhD program at the University of Oxford.Invited to participate as a student expert in the Anti-Corruption module validation for the UNODC’S Education for Justice (E4J) project, operating under the Doha Declaration.Research on juvenile rehabilitation in the US was sent to the Michigan Department of Corrections and legislators by criminal justice advocacy groups.Worked supporting juvenile and vulnerable adult detainees upon their arrest by acting as their Appropriate Adult. This involved ensuring the individual was fit for interview and accompanying them through it, liaising with the police, establishing the detainee understands their rights and ensuring the detainee’s welfare throughout the process.


倫敦政治經濟學院(The London School of Economics and Political Science,簡稱LSE),世界頂尖公立研究型大學,英國社會科學領域TOP3的頂級名校。倫敦政治經濟學院曾走出過18名諾貝爾獎得主、42名國家和政府的首腦。LSE在社科學術界、金融界和政商界享有卓越口碑。