

這類不定代詞有everything(一切事,最重要的事), everyone =everybody (每個人,所有人); something(某事,重要的人或事物), someone =somebody(某 / 有人,重要的人); anything(什麼事物,任何事物,無論什麼事物), anyone =anybody(任何人,無論誰,重要的人); nothing(沒有東西,什麼也沒有,不重要的人或事)no one=nobody(沒有人,不重要的人)等。它們還與別有詞構成很多習語,如for nothing(徒勞,免費),nothing but(僅僅,只不過),It’s nothing. (不用謝,不必在意),anybody else(別人)等等。如:別人
  1. —Is ________ here? —No, Bob and Tim have asked for leave. (全國卷)
  A. anybody
  B. somebody
  C. everybody
  D. nobody
  【分析】答案選C。由答語可知問的是“到齊了嗎?”所以用everybody。請比較: Is anybody here? 這裡有人嗎?
  2. —One week’s time has been wasted.
  —I can’t believe we did all that work for ________. (重慶卷)
  A. something
  B. nothing
  C. everything
  D. anything
  【分析】答案選B。for nothing是習語,意為“徒勞,沒有好結果”““免費,無酬勞;無結果”。

What's wrong with you is that you think you can

get something fornothing.



All my trouble went for nothing.



You gave me the wrong address and made me go all that way for nothing.



The furniture was threadbare; he'd obviously picked

it up for nothing



He was at his wits 'end, having worked a year for nothing.



Pantelaras was giving his art collection away for nothing, to spiteMarie and her husband.



He was giving his collection away for nothing



含複合不定代詞的習語,如for nothing(徒勞,免費),nothing doing (不行,我不幹)anything but (=not at all決不,根本不),nothing but(僅僅,只不過),It’s nothing. (不用謝,不必在意),等等。如:

I can’t believe we did all that work for nothing.我不相信我們所做的一切會是徒勞。


Everything is ready, isn’t it?一切都準備好了,是嗎?

Someone is waiting for you. 有人等你。

Everything is going well. 一切正常。

Everything is good.諸事順利。

Somebody is waiting for you outside.

外面有個人在等你。注意用 is,這句也可以說成:

Someone is

waiting for you outside.

There is something outside the window.



Everyone keep quiet! 大家安靜!

Nobody say a word! 都不許說話!

Somebody answer the phone please. 請來個人接電話。

Everybody stand up, please!(《英語語法難題新探·句法篇》P. 82)

Somebody open the door!

Everyone shut your eyes.

Nobody move. (《高級英語語法》下冊 P. 736)


Nobody tells me what to do.(陳述句)沒有人告訴我該做什麼。

Nobody tell me what to do.(祈使句。Nobody = None of you)你們中的人不要告訴我該做什麼。


I heard something in the kitchen. 我聽到廚房有動靜。

Did you notice somebody enter the room? 你注意到有人進房間嗎?


You are nobody. 你誰也不是。(nobody 用於表示“不重要的人物”)

It's nothing. 不用謝。不用提。(nothing 含有“不重要的事”之意)

②代替與-thing構成的複合不定代詞,用it;代替與-body, -one構成的複合不定代詞,一般用they,在正式文體中可用he。如:

Everyone knows what they have / he has to do, don’t they / doesn’t he? 每個人都知道他必須做什麼,不是嗎?每個人都知道他必須做什麼,不是嗎?

Anything could happen, isn’t it?什麼事都可能發生,對不對?

If anyone finds my pen, I hope they/he will tell me.如果有人見到我的鋼筆,我希望他們/他能告訴我。

Everyone knows this, doesn’t he [don’t they]?人人都知道這一點,不是嗎?

  If anybody [anyone] comes, ask him [them] to wait.要是有人來,讓他等著。


在談話進行過程中,還會提到此前用到的複合不定代詞,此時含有-body、-one 的用 he / she 或其變形替代;含有 -thing 的常用 it 替代。

Something is wrong, isn't it? 出問題了,是不是?

Everyone must keep his/her words. 每個人都要信守承諾。


I have something important to tell you.我有件重要的事要告訴你。

He has nothing much to do today.


someone important :某個重要人物

something else :別的事兒

There's something wrong with the TV.


here is nothing wrong with the radio.


Have you seen anyone famous?


This is something special. 這是種特別的東西。

Haven’t you got anything to do? 你無事可幹嗎?

④除與-thing構成的複合不定代詞外,都有所有格形式;在表示不定代詞的屬格時,要注意:含有 -thing 的不能用 's 屬格;含有 -one、-body 的可以加 's;如果有定語 else ,else 後置並用 else's 表示:

This is someone else's car. 這是某個別人的車。

It's nobody's. 那不是任何人的。

Grammar isn’t everybody’s idea of fun. 語法不是每個人都認為興趣的。That must be somebody else’s coat; it isn’t mine. 那一定是別人的外衣,不是我的。

⑤everyone=everybody, anyone=anybody, 只指人,不能與of短語連用;every one, any one可指人也可指物,一定要與of連用才可以。如:Is anybody here? 有人嗎?You can take any one of these. 你可以隨便拿一個。

⑥與some-,any-構成的複合不定代詞的用法與some, any的用法相同。與any-構成的複合不定代詞一般用於否定句或疑問句中,not…any-構成完全否定,但沒有any-…not的說法;與some-構成的複合不定代詞用於肯定句、預料作肯定回答的疑問句、建議或請求的疑問句中

Will you find someone to carry the box for me?你找個人替我扛箱子好嗎?

Would you like something to eat?你想要吃些東西嗎?

Are you expecting someone this afternoon?今天下午你是不是等什麼人?


She doesn’t know anyone here. She has got no one to talk to.她在這裡一個人也不認識;她沒有人談話。

I agree with most of what you said, but I don’t agree with everything.我同意你說的大部分內容我並非同意你講的一切。

Everyone cannot do it.=Not everyone can do it.並不是每個人都能做這個。

  如:1. She doesn’t know anyone here. She has got ________ to (廣東卷)
  A. anyone
  B. someone
  C. everyone
  D. no one
  【分析】答案選D。no one = nobody = not…any one沒有一個人。由前句句意可知。
  2. I agree with most of what you said, but I don’t agree with ________. (全國卷)
  A. everything
  B. anything
  C. something
  D. nothing
  3. I will never know what was on his mind at the time, nor will ________. (江蘇卷)
  A. anyone
  B. anyone else
  C. no one
  D. no one else


例如:Anyone can do this.任何人都會做這個。


I can do anything for you.我能為你做任何事。


John can do it, if anyone can.如果有人能做此事,那就是約翰了。

He will do anything for a quiet life.只要能過上安寧的日子他什麼都願意做。

注:含any-的一般用於疑問句、否定句或條件句中,但表示“無論何事”時,可用於肯定句。 含every-的可用於肯定句、疑問句、否定句。

He lost everything that was dear to him.他所珍貴的一切都損失了。

Is everybody here?到齊了嗎?(比較:Is anybody here? 這裡有人嗎?)


You will be someone. 你會出人頭地。

I'm nobody. 我是個小角色。

something, somebody/someone, anything還可作名詞,意為“重要的事情(或人物)”。如:

His wife is now somebody in television.他的妻子現在是電視界的大人物了。

Money isn’t everything.金錢不是一切。

If you want to be anybody, you must work hard.如果你想成為名人,你得努力學習。

someone/anyone/everyone =somebody /anybody /everybody只能指人,不能與of短語連用; 而some one/any one/every one則既可指人也可指物,可與of短語連用。

  any one of the boys (books)孩子們(書)當中的任何一個(本)

  every one of the students (schools)每一個學生(一所學校)

Every one of us likes English.我們每個人都喜歡英語。

Every one of these desks is new.這些桌子中每一張都是新的。


1.-Do you have your summer plan.Bill?

-Well,I want to go___to relax with my family.

A.interesting somewhere B.somewhere interesting

C.anywhere interesting D.interesting anywhere

2. -Did you go to the movie with___,Tony?

-No,no one went with me.

A.someone B.no one C.everyone D.anyone


2. 問句為"你有和別人一起去看電影嗎?”,該句為一般性的一般疑問句,也沒有表達希望得到對方的肯定回答,所以答案選擇any-類的複合不定代詞,所以答案為D。