英国绘画艺术Sir Edward John Poynter等作品欣赏

Sir Edward John Poynter (1836-1919) Psyche. 1884

Sir Edward John Poynter ~ Cressida

William Huggins (1820-1884) The Poet's Vision, Canto I, Laon and Cythna. 1852

John Willam Goodward (1861-1922) Leaning Against a Column. 1901

Charles Spencelayh (1865-1958) His Birthday

Charles Spencelayh ~ The Latest News

Sir Frederick William Burton (1816-1900) The Widow of Wöhlm

Herbert James Draper (1863-1920) Portrait of Miss Barbara de Selincourt

William Logsdail (1859-1944) Portrait of a Lady, traditionally identified as Bessie Burton

James-Jasques-Joseph Tissot (1836-1902) Portrait of a Young Woman in a Conservatory. 1895

Henry Woods (1846-1921) San Trovaso, Venice. 1906

William Powell Frith (1819-1909) Poverty and Wealth. 1888

Albert Chevallier Tayler (1862-1925) Women Arranging Flowers. 1906

Walter Langley (1852-1922) Pleasant News

Sir George Clausen (1852-1944) The Bird's Nest. 1902

Henry Herbert La Trangue (1859-1929) The Farm Pond