到底什么是网红ins 风?



It’s never hard to identify pictures from Instagram: They’re usually bright-colored, shot with tasteful lighting, and the people and items are artfully arranged in the frames. Instagram photos seem much similar to each other and to be effortlessly perfect.

想要辨认一张来自Instagram 的照片并不难:他们大多色彩明艳,取景光线讲究,人物构图巧妙。Ins风的照片似乎每张都差不多,看上去轻轻松松便呈现了完美的效果。

Even though it has been here for less than a decade, Instagram – a photo and video-sharing platform started in 2010 in the US – has redefined fashion, travel, food, and even art, because almost everyone wants to make themselves and things look “effortless” and “perfect”.


But every trend has its sell-by date, including the so-called “Instagram aesthetic”. Once young people figured out that what appeared to be effortless was actually carefully staged, they lost interest instantly. To them, “trying too hard” is never cool.


How hard are we talking about? Just look at the use of the newly invented word “Instagrammable” in a Vogue article 10 of the most Instagrammable places in the US to travel to – which indicates that taking an Instagram photo has become a near-automatic way of seeing a place, any place.


This is why a new trend is growing on Instagram – one that wants to be “more authentic”, Lexie Carbone from social media marketing firm, Later, told The Atlantic.


For example, people have been posting “Instagram vs reality” photos to show the real side of themselves. One Instagram user, 22-year-old Reese Blutstein, has attracted over 238,000 followers since she began posting unfiltered photos of herself in strange outfits.


“For my generation, people are more willing to be who they are,” said Blutstein. “We are trying to show a real person doing cool things as a real person, not trying to create a persona that isn’t actually you.”


So perhaps the “Instagram aesthetic” is not coming to an end after all. It’s just evolving – into a cooler and more honest version of itself.


以上内容英文部分来自《21世纪学生英文报》高二 751期

本文英文音频由我报外籍编辑 Daniel Daugherty朗读