

1.年齡總是如期歸來 憂愁總是不請自來

Age always comes in time and sorrow always comes in unexpected.

2.不寫紅塵紛擾 不戀塵世浮華

Do not write red dust not love earthly glitz.

3.相愛這個詞太漂亮 實踐起來太心酸

Love the world too beautiful practice up too sad.

4.時間有限 來不及惦記心裡沒有我的人

Time is limited too late to think about the people without me in my heart.

5.對你何止一句喜歡 卻不敢再打擾

To you more than a sentence like but dare not disturb.

6.很遺憾 明明不想失去 卻還是無能為力

It's a pity that I can do nothing about it even though I don't want to lose it.

7.學會嚥下所有的失望 才會走的更長遠

Learn to swallow all the disappointment will go further.

8.突如其來的脾氣 大概是積攢了很久的委屈

Sudden temper is probably accumulated for a long time grievances.

9.我活的也不容易 所以沒必要討你開心

My life is not easy so there is no need to please you.



