
The job can be emotionally and physically tough. Every day I choose to stay, I reaffirm my commitment to my profession.

Like the ocean, medicine does not call to everyone. Medicine – and especially surgery – is not like other professions. We can put down the scalpel, we can remove the scrubs, but without the costume, a doctor is still a doctor. There is always a medical journal to read, a case to ponder. We spend our entire lives learning, improving, questioning. Patients stay on our minds as we fall asleep at night. Did I tie that knot tightly enough? Was that scan report accurate? Will that patient return with a complication?

When recruiting students into medical school, I don’t believe it matters what reason they give for wanting to be a doctor. All that really matters is whether they’re suited for the profession – whether they have the requisite abilities, and the necessary thoughtfulness – and that they have the passion for it. As doctors, we are privileged to be entrusted with our patients’ most intimate worries and to take responsibility for their care. We must be able to look inside a person without looking away.

Coming from a non-medical family, could I have possibly known what I was signing up for when I sent in that application at the age of 17? The heartache when things go wrong, the elation when you know you’ve made a difference in a patient’s life. The job can be intellectually, emotionally, and physically tough. Is it possible to know that the life-altering decision you made as a teenager was the right one? When self-doubt settles in, or when you feel you don’t belong, how do you know you correctly diagnosed your calling? These questions are all the more pertinent when you consider the current crisis of morale and poor retention of junior doctors in the NHS.

The only answer I can give is in my commitment. Every day that I persevere, I am reaffirming my commitment to my profession. Last year, the Department of Health floated the idea of forcing junior doctors to serve in the NHS for five years after graduating from medical school--a form of conscription for medics. Any “deserters” would be made to repay the cost of their training, on top of their pre-existing student debts. This would have been disastrous. On the darkest days of the job, one of the things that helped me as a junior was the knowledge that I could leave, even if I never chose to.







profession 職業

scalpel 手術刀

scrub 死皮

complication 併發症

entrust 委託,託付

diagnose 診斷

pertinent 直接相關的

NHS 英語全稱National Health Service,即(英國)國民醫療服務體系


1.(1)All that really matters is (2)whether they’re suited for the profession--whether they have the requisite abilities, and the necessary thoughtfulness--and(3)that they have the passion for it.



3. that...it:that引導的名詞性從句,列出第三點,即對這份職業的熱情。


專業與語言評估考試(Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board,PLAB)是英國執業醫師資格考試,面向國際醫學生,直屬於英國總醫學會(GMC)。報考資格包括受英國認可的醫學學位證明、雅思成績證明及工作和執照證明。PLAB考試分為兩部分,考生必須分別通過後才可向英國總醫學會提出註冊申請,取得執照後方可在英國行醫。

