發動態的高逼格短句:善良 勇敢 優秀 絕不妥協 祝你 也祝我


1.有一種落差是 你配不上自己的野心 也辜負了所受的苦難

There is a gap between your ambition and your suffering.

2.沒有收拾殘局的能力 就別放縱善變的情緒

Don't indulge in fickle moods without the ability to clean up the mess.

3.時間不僅讓你看透別人 也讓你認清自己

Times not only lets you see through others, but also lets you recognize yourself.

4.萬有引力定律告訴我們的 吸引別人的最好方法是充實自己

The law of gravity tells us that the best way to attract others is to enrich ourseives.

5.自己選擇的路 再累也要堅持 不撞南牆不回頭

No matter how tired the road you choose , you should insist on not hitting the south wall and not turning back.

6.能讓你精緻的 除了化妝品 最厲害的是知識 努力和愛

What makes you delicate except cosmetics is knowledge,effort and love.

7.做一個對別人有用的人 尤其是善待你的身邊人

Be useful to others, especially those around you.

8.善良 勇敢 優秀 絕不妥協 祝你 也祝我

Good,Brave,Excellent and Never Compromise. I wish you the same.

